E. "Hank" LeFebvre seen here as a young lieutenant fresh out of jump
was a Sergeant in the National Guard before having the
opportunity to attend OCS and gain a commission. He attended
OCS in 1942 at Ft. Benning, GA. That location may have
influenced his decision to volunteer for parachutist duty.
completed jump school and was transferred to the 508th where he took
on the role of a platoon leader and other tasks, as assigned.
LeFebvre made the combat jump into Normandy on 6 June 1944. He
subsequently made the combat jump into Holland and served throughout
the rest of WW 11 with the 82nd Airborne in the Ardennes and Central
He ultimately retired
as Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army
Training Center, Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. with the grade of
Colonel after more than 28 years of service.
This album section is commemorated to him. All material,
unless cited otherwise, was made avail through the graciousness of
his wife Mary Alice and their son Jim.
During his years with the 508th PIR and later with the 508th PIR
Association, Hank saved many documents and photographs that are
significant to the regimental history. It is out good fortune that
the LeFebvre family has chosen to share many of those items with us.
The material will be organized based on time and location and
accessible via links that appear below. |