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A Paratrooper Remembers by Glen Drake

Glen C. Drake, who lives in Baraboo, Wisconsin jumped with H Company, 508th PIR in the D-Day invasion.  He also parachuted into Holland during Operation Market-Garden and was one of many of the 508th who fought in the Ardennes during the infamous Battle of the Bulge — all pivotal events of World War II.

   Growing up on a Wisconsin farm, Glen Drake had no idea about how his World War II experiences would change his life. They left a permanent imprint as he was required to kill a human being for the first time. Years later, back in the safety of his home state, he suffered the after effects of his wartime experience, still imagining once in a while that he was under attack. His confrontations with German soldiers left him with a hatred of them that persisted into his later years.

A Paratrooper Remembers was compiled by Drake in a series of tapes he made for his children.

ISBN 1-878569-92-0 Publication date: February 2003
Available through
Badger Books (On-Line Store)
Current price is $12.95 plus $4.00 Shipping and Handling.



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