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The Combat History of the 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment in World War II

by Phil Nordyke

The compelling true story of one of the elite parachute regiments of WWII. 

The 508th was the first parachute infantry regiment to undergo selection and basic training as a unit and it carried its distinction of uniqueness throughout the war.  It was only fitting that the regiment was selected to act as the Honor Guard for General Dwight D. Eisenhower at SHAEF Headquarters in Frankfurt, Germany.

This book describes all the events, often in the words of those who were there, and is a remarkably easy to read history of the regiment and its personnel.

Contents Of Book Include:

  •  508th PIR personal experience stories
  •  Numerous combat maps and photos
  •  Index of names for easy cross-reference
ISBN 978-0-9847151-3-8  Published by Historic Ventures LLC

Available on Amazon Put Us Down In Hell or order direct from the author


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