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MEDICAL DETACHMENT - CAMP MACKALL, 1943 (or other location as may be noted)
Pfc Donald M. Harwick SSgt Robert T. Hobbs T5 Robert M. Houghton 1/Lt Victor E. Koerper
(Medics) multiple holes are from a validating stamp
Capt James C. "Doc" Klein
at Camp Mackall
Capt James C. "Doc" Klein
in Normandy where he was wounded
Capt James C. "Doc" Klein
received Bronze Star Medal
Pvt Charles L. Logue
Gilbert B. Knupp
was 2nd Lt Cadre, Co H

[1935 high school yearbook]
Frank E. Mackey Jr.
as a senior at West Philadelphia High School, 1940 edition of The Record" yearbook
Pvt Frank E. Mackey Jr. on leave in Pennsylvania, 1943.   DOW June 8, 1944 Pvt Frank E. Mackey Jr.
KIA 7 June 1944



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