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La Presse de la Manche, Normandy, France   October 20, 2004

The 508th Association Retires Their Flag

says the headline of this Normandy newspaper noting that age has led to various difficulties for the unit's aging veterans. 

   Also covered is a capsule overview of the towns in Normandy where the 508th fought, the number of casualties, both killed and wounded, suffered by the unit while in Normandy as well as in it's battles throughout Europe.

   Pictured is O.B Hill, credited with establishing the association with details of the first reunion in Chicago with 135 attendees reaching its zenith of 1,226 attendees in 2000..  The caption also notes O.B.s death in 2002.

[Ed. Note:  The name Manche derives from the French name for the English Channel.  Manche, is a department, i.e., a region, of NW France, in Normandy, on the English Channel. The Manche Department covers not only the Cotentin peninsula but also extends south into the Norman woods.  Saint-Lô (the capital), Cherbourg, and Avranches are the chief towns, and Mont-Saint-Michel is off the coast.  Manche is largely agricultural, with extensive animal breeding and raising. Although industry is secondary, there are textile, copper, tile, and food industries, and, at Cherbourg, shipbuilding.




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