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FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 5, 6, 2004

Some Gave All
The Quarter Master Corps HQ for Graves Registration in Ste. Mere Eglise.  The group was responsible for the management of nine temporary cemeteries that were established even as the combat was underway.
   Those cemeteries were St. Mere Eglise Nrs. 1 & 2, Blosville, La Cambe, St. Laurent, St. Corneille, Gorrcy, Marigny and La Chene Guerin.
   After the hostilities ended, the St. Laurent site was included in what is now the permanent Normandy American Cemetery.  As each temporary cemetery was closed the remains of its occupants were exhumed.  Then, according to family wishes, the individuals were either transported to their hometowns or interred in the Normandy cemetery.  Wooden crosses that had been employed in the temporary grounds were replaced with permanent granite markers reflecting each person's religious choice.

Tradition of Thanks began soon after these men were laid to rest as local people placed flowers on each grave.  The townspeople continue such practices to this day
   Note that the cross arms are still lacking and the rocky soil that must have made digging these 6,000 graves by hand a very laborious task..

Temporary Cemetery No. 2 in Caen
is seen here in its earliest rudimentary state.
   While each grave is marked with a numbered wooden stake, the cross arms bearing individual names have not yet been affixed.
  Note the barrage balloon flying over the horizon, a subtle reminder that hostilities were still underway.  The balloon may well be positioned over the beaches or Caen harbor to thwart any German aircraft attempting to strafe or bomb.

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