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Food Vendors
were prepared for the crowd

Dining Tent
was set for seating

Wine and Cookies
are sampled by Sophia van der Bogert

Hungry Folks
line up to buy lunch

Menu Board
Entre, sausage, Fries and beverage for just 10 Euros

Dion Murphy
leaves with a stacked plate balanced on a baguette of bread

a famished Randy Lewellen rejoices over his purchase

Seats Over Here!
says Rodolphe Roger

But Not For Long
as diners took his advice

Full House
the tables in the community center were quickly filled
Full Tent
the tented seating area was jam-packed as well
Screaming Eaglet
youngster wears the haircut and painted face famous amongst some 101st D-Day troopers

Jill Heisler
is embraced by two local women

New Acquaintances
Dion Murphy chats with local girl, Sandine

LTC Kelly Carrigg
swaps tales with CSM (ret) Mike Feeko

Handshake Crosses Decades
Randy Lewellen grasps the hand of Gordon Smith

Unanswered Questions
are finally answered as Gordon describes events that transpired on D-Day

Listening Intently
Dion Murphy hears about when Gordon and Randy's father were both at the Gourbesville German aid station
All Normandy 'D-Day Plus 65' trip photos are a multi-national  mixture of work by Hervé Argoud, Hans DeBree,  Gene Garren, Fred Hoek, Herbert Lahout, Randy Lewellen,  Cyndi Mathews, Bill Nation, Dick O'Donnell, Dominique Potier, Vivian Roger, Zane Schlemmer, Donald van den Bogert and  Nelly van Loo.  Individual credits have not been given.



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