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JUNE  2009

The forgotten Maisy German gun battery - part of Hitler's Atlantic Wall in Normandy near Omaha Beach - has been unearthed after 60 years and was opened to the public in April 2007.
Despite being heavily bombed, the infrastructure of Maisy Battery remained largely intact.  But local interest waned after the war and nature rook over, burying the 40 acre site.

Range Map
located 6 miles east of Utah Beach and 7 mi west of Omaha Beach the Maisy guns even included coverage of Point du Hoc

German Artillery Piece
sits rusting in the salt air.  On D-Day more than a dozen Maisy guns covered the Omaha sector

June 8, 1944
the Rangers captured the battery site

Stop #1
Randy Lewellen and Don van den Bogert (obscured) read an information sign

Half Buried
this bunker had a circular gun port on top

Bunker Panel
shows rear and front views

Actual Bunker
front has been been fully excavated

Multiple Rooms
were in some large bunkers

Blackened Wall
may be soot marks from a stove

Old Stoves
are displayed

Nap Time?
a German cot is probably just one of many found here

a snail still makes the bunker home. German soldiers may have devoured its ancestors

Gun Port
the angled deflections prevented ricochets from reaching the gunner

written in German says, "Built in 1943"

Support Building
was a simple corrugated arch with cement overhead
All Normandy 'D-Day Plus 65' trip photos are a multi-national  mixture of work by Hervé Argoud, Hans DeBree, Gene Garren, Fred Hoek, Herbert Lahout, Randy Lewellen,  Cyndi Mathews, Bill Nation, Dick O'Donnell, Dominique Potier, Vivian Roger, Zane Schlemmer, Donald van den Bogert and  Nelly van Loo-Polley.  Individual credits have not been given.

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