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Angoville Church
site of impromptu aid station set up by 2 101st troopers is surrounded by scaffolding during renovations

Church Cornerstone
with date of 1769
drop with church in background, 6 June 1944
Stained Glass
window commemorates  medics Robert Wright and Kenneth Moore who treated over 80 Americans and Germans

Blood Stains
remain on church pews used as beds for wounded

Incredible Scar
where a mortar shell penetrated ceiling

Devine Intervention
or just a dud, floor tiles are cracked where unexploded shell hit

Tomb Stone
marks ancient burial in church floor

Guardian angels
hover over church altar

Devotion Candles
lit by visitors

Warm Glow
cast by the candles light the inerior

Looking For Friends
Ernie Lamson signed the visitor register and then read it to see who passed through earlier that he may know



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