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Place Holders
preplanned seating was available for each guest

went on before the banquet got underway

Color Guard
"looking sharp" and ready to present and retire the colors

"The Rock"
CSM (Ret, reluctantly)  Kenneth Merritt presided over the banquet

Rock Thanks CSM Puckett
for the support given the association

CMSGT Flowers
recognized 508th troopers young and old

Tried and True
CSM Merritt and CSM Flowers are the epitome of two of the four 508th eras

Normandy Thanks
was delivered by Jean Baptiste "Bobby" Feuillye
(see text at right

Worse than death, is to be forgotten,,, So that this never happens to those whom we owe so much, the association, " Les Fleurs de la Memoire " (Flowers of Remembrance) , came to life. It happened on December 15 2000, in ST LO, a city which, after the June 6 1944 bombing raids, was called the Capital of Ruins.

Since that day, along with our members, we have paved the way along memory's road, These paths of memory lead to the American military cemeteries where those, listening only to their courage, came to offer their life, so that we could reclaim our freedom. At the core of the Association, the 2500 members, put aside their differences, religious beliefs, and their origins, share the same gratitude towards the soldiers who repose at Colleville or St James.

Together, on Memorial Day or individually on any other day of the year, we come to meditate, in silence, or in prayer, Then, in an affectionate gesture, as would a godparent for their godchild, allowing the heart to speak, we place flowers at the base of the headstone … It is not uncommon to see grandparents, at times moved to tears, accompanied by their children and grandchildren moving along the rows on the way to find " the grave ".

Once at the gravesite, their heads filled with images… All listen, all meditate… Is it the sound of the breeze? Rather, isn't it the sound of the souls, the living memory of the dead speaking to our subconscious? Then the terrible sounds of combat invade the mind… Those unbearable sounds of bombs which explode, the whining cry of diving planes… the agonizing cries of the suffering… All the horrors of war assault our memories.

Finding the spirit of those who died so that we may live in a better world, kneeling in front of the headstone, placing these flowers, is this not a profound appeal for peace? That is, I believe, what each person feels when coming to execute their pledge toward the association… a humble pledge always accomplished with the infallible faith and immense fraternity with those whom we honor.

It is true we have so much to say to you who sleep forever in our Normandy soil… Yes, so many things, which however must be said in one word, “MERCI”… Yes, "THANK YOU… ALWAYS…”

From the original text was written in 2000 by Mr. Lavieille, founder of the Association " Les Fleurs de la Memoire"

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