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Something's Cooking!
and it smells good roo

Come and Get It!
kitchen volunteers served it up
Bob Speers
has a big grin, must be that tummy full of Menudo!
Girl Talk
Linda Hill
and Pam Speers share some giggle time

Bud Right!
Brewer's sign honors the veterans
Billy Mitchell
is honored for his foresight regarding the feasibility of parachutist operations

Hanoi Jane
will never be welcomed here

Wall of Honor
displays various personal artifacts

Ready to go!
Parachutes and helmets on display

Corcoran Boots
and red beret complete the display
Airborne Patches make a colorful poster Bob Chisolm's photo and quotation "For most of us, that (Normandy) was our first combat, and I think one of the first lessons we took away was that war is a terrible thing..."
Free Fall
a model of the famous 150 foot tower is on display as well
Nostalgia Trip
what better shot than of a parachutist in full gear?

All El Paso photos are a mixture of work by Lois Andrews, Joe Hill, Dick O'Donnell and Manuel Piņa.  Individual credits have not been given.

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