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508 / ADT Banner
was made just for the occasion by Sid Eels, ADT

508th Placemats
were in position on the dining tables

Looking Good
Rock wears a borrowed ADT hat

Then and Now
Rock holds framed photos of himself that had been hung by the ADT

Pillsbury Doughboy
gets into the act

Ed Wheelock
a Lieutenant during the war poses in front of George Kissane's Bulge action poster.

In Deepest Appreciation
the association presented a plaque to the ADT
Minutes Later
the plaque had been hung near other 508rh memorabilia
WAC's Club
Laurie White, once a WAC herself, chats with ADT member Sharon Bennett dressed in WAC uniform

Hitting The Chow Line
Lt Col Ray Steeley (obscured at left) serves Harry and Ruby Roll. John Coates is at right

Iconic Cakes
with the logos of the 82nd and the 508th were gobbled up quickly


These photos are a mixture of work by Lois Andrews, Art Blanco, Liz Farrell,  Lou Gutierrez, Dick O'Donnell and Rick Trevizo.  Individual credits have not been given.

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