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"Little White House Tour" (1 of 3)

Trooping Out
Lou Gutierrez and Rock Merritt lead the crowd

Ladies First
Amy Wheelock boards the bus while husband Ed trails behind (blue shirt and camera bag)

Ralph Yeager
was one of many 505 vets at the reunion

Moving Out
the bus driver aims for the highway

Relaxed Ride
Kathy Holle is seated ahead of Ralph and Bernie King.  Wanda and Ed Hamilton are next

Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR)
1882 – 1945] 32nd President of The United States and the only one elected to four terms of office.
    This unprecedented span as president, normally restricted to two terms of 4 years each,  were the result of WW-II when the nation didn't want to change is leadership mid-stream.
  He was in office from
March 4, 1933 to his death on  April 12, 1945 and had three vice-presidents - John Garner, Henry Wallace, and Harry Truman who succeeded him.

FDR came to Warm Springs in 1924 in hopes of recovering from the effects of polio.  His love for the area and hopes for the Georgia Warm Springs Foundation led him to build a small white clapboard cottage on these pine scented slopes. The house was completed in 1932 while FDR was serving as Governor of New York.  During FDR's four elected terms as the 32nd president the cottage became known as "The Little White House."  It was designed by architect Henry Toombs, who also designed many of the Foundation buildings.  The cost was $6,738 including landscaping.  The cottage, garage, servants quarters and guest house are preserved much like they were on April 12, 1945 when FDR died of a massive stroke as he was sitting for a portrait.  The "Unfinished Portrait" and many of FDR's personal belongings can be seen in the cottage and an adjacent  museum.
   During the busy years between 1932 and 1945 FDR only visited his beloved Little White House on 18 occasions while he and the nation struggled through the Great Depression of 1929 and then World War II.  Many of the solutions to the "people problems" that beset the nation during his presidency came to FDR as the result of his association with the people of this area.

Georgia Motoring Marker

Newspaper Headlines
virtually screamed out the fact of FDR's death

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