Criteria: The Purple Heart is awarded in
the name of the President of the United States to any member of an Armed
Force who, while serving with the U.S. Armed Services after 5 April 1917,
has been wounded or killed, or a who has died or may hereafter die after being
More than 1200 Purple Heart were awarded to men of the 508th.
Some of these awards applied to fatal wounds and are
documented in the individual listings under the Roll of Honor.
Many other awards were made to men whose wounds were so
severe that they were evacuated from the battle zone. Still others were awarded to
troopers who recovered from their
wound and were returned to battle, perhaps to earn still another Purple
Heart in subsequent actions.
NOTE: We are compiling a
list of Purple Heart awards for men of the 508th other than those recorded on
the 508th Roll of Honor. We would gladly accept names of other recipients to
be posted here. Please contact the
Jumpmaster to submit names (recipient must have been in 508th,
please!). |