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The 1-508 PIR SITREP for 19 FEB – 04 MAR 17 is below for your review.

Our focus these past two weeks was conducting Organizational Readiness Surveys and a battalion-level JFE.

Great news:

MAJ Scher (BN XO) and SSG Homes (B Co) passed PWAC today and are now Jumpmasters. 2LT Inman and SPC McGoff (both HHC) will graduate from Ranger School this Friday.

1-508 PIR Readiness Statistics:
1-508 PIR - Overall Individual Qualification: 100%
1-508 PIR M4 Qualification: 100%
1-508 PIR M9 Qualification: 95.5%
1-508 PIR Aggregate Crew Qualification: 100%
1-508 PIR M240 Qualification: 100%
1-508 PIR M3 Carl Gustav: 100%
1-508 PIR Aggregate Platform Qualification: 100%
1-508 PIR 60mm Mortar: 100%
1-508 PIR Aggregate Personnel Non-Deployable: 16%
1-508 PIR MRC-3 Total #: 10
1-508 PIR MRC-4 Total #: 7
1-508 PIR MED Board Total #:
23 1-508 PIR Chapter #: 12
1-508 PIR SRP Packets Complete: 100%
1-508 PIR Aggregate OR Rate: 95.9%
1-508 PIR Pacing Item OR Rate: 80%
1-508 PIR Overdue Services: 0%
1-508 PIR NMC Equipment Over 60 Days: 8
1-508 PIR Delinquent Lateral Transfers - Internal: 1
1-508 PIR Delinquent Lateral Transfers - External: 7
1-508 PIR Pieces of Excess Property: 12
UAS FY17 Flight Hours to Date: 60 Hours RAVEN, 20 Hours Instant Eye


1. Marksmanship. Last week, C Co Paratroopers conducted Javelin training at TASC, where Paratroopers learned how to operate and fire a Javelin Missile System. The Paratroopers engaged static, slow moving, fast moving, and Rotary wing aircraft using direct and top attack modes. C Co also conducted weapons training in the battalion area, where Paratroopers rotated through six stations to include Claymore, M2, M500 Shotgun, Javelin, AT-4, and the Carl Gustav. Each Paratrooper received a period of instruction and familiarization on Day 1, then tested on each weapon system on Day 2 (storyboards attached).

Last week, B Co also trained Paratroopers on the M3 Carl Gustav, M2 .50 Cal heavy machine gun, M249, and the AT-4. Using the EIB model, the training taught Paratroopers how to identify, determine capabilities, employ, disassemble/reassemble, conduct functions check, and correct malfunctions on key weapon systems (storyboard attached).

On 1 March, we had 9 M3 Carl Gustav gunners receive classroom training and then qualify on that weapon system.

2. Physical Fitness. Last week, A Co conducted a Squad PT competition in the vicinity of Pike Field. This event consisted of a 2 mile (50lb dry ruck weight) ruck march, a quarter-mile buddy carry, a RIGEX, and the Air Assault Obstacle Course. Each squad was ranked per event, with the top 3 overall winners as follows: 1/1, 2/4, 2/2 & 1/4 (tied) (storyboard attached).

4. Communication. Last week, A Co conducted a Communications LPD to increase knowledge in the science of how our communications equipment operates. The LPD discussed radio wave propagation, antenna theory, and multiple radio components. The purpose of the LPD was to empower junior leaders and RTOs with the tools and knowledge to troubleshoot radios in order to maintain readiness (storyboard attached).

5. Small Unit Tactics / 7. Airborne Proficiency. On 27 February, 1-508 PIR exited 372 x Paratroopers and 26 x Paratroopers from the BDE ACP onto Salerno DZ as part of OPERATION FURY STRIKE. Once companies reached minimum force, they immediately moved off Salerno DZ enroute to seize OBJ GRANT (Holland airfield). After a 7km movement, the battalion occupied assault positions around Holland (2.5 hours after the airborne assault). The overall seizure of Holland's trail edge, lead edge, and FLS + compound occurred rapidly. This offset DZ mission truly tested our physical fitness, communication, and C2. The TI and hang for all jumpers truly helped lessen Paratrooper fatigue, which is a huge sustain. 1-505 PIR provided great support for the airborne operation and as OPFOR on Holland (storyboard attached).

Additionally, on 1 March, the battalion will airland 4 x HMMWVs onto Sicily DZ. This training with the USAF will make us a more capable and lethal force, enabling us to land valuable B Echelon vehicles faster.

6. Mastery of Maintenance. The battalion main effort for maintenance this reporting period was Organizational Readiness Surveys (ORS). In support of personnel readiness the battalion executed a PAI and internal SRP where the staff (S1, S2, Chaplain, MEDO) established kiosks in the battalion classroom to process and validate over 580 paratroopers SRF packets. Additionally, layouts of company commodity shops and individual paratrooper gear throughout the week verified our successful efforts to assume the GRB1 on 15 March (storyboard attached).

J Co Supported ORS inspections by providing mechanics for on-site fixes of Shoot, Move, and Own the Night equipment. Special thanks to 2-505 PIR who surged mechanics to our motorpool to allow unscheduled maintenance to continue as repair parts were received during the ORS inspection week. J Co also conducted daily walk-throughs for Class IX parts during the GCSS-Army blackout. Our Maintenance Control Technician and Supply NCOs from each company are participating in GCSS-Army validation this week supporting 1-508 PIR transition to GCSS-Army.

The maintenance team supported our BN AMO and UMO teams to complete services on all rolling stock earmarked for the DRC during GRB1. This will ensure no overdue services for items of equipment rigged in the DRC from 15 March – 15 June. All told, the battalion completed services or repairs on 51 x M4s, 5 x M240Bs, 4 x M249s, 2 x .50cals, 1 x M9 and 15 x pieces of rolling stock.

In conjunction with internal maintenance capabilities, the battalion turned in 37 items of medical and chemical equipment to TMDE for annual calibrations. Company XOs are also completing the necessary paperwork for DLA/LRC turn-in and lateral transfer of excess property and equipment despite the challenges GCSS-A blackout. The battalion is preparing for a mass turn-in on 28 March.

School Updates. 1-508 PIR has 53 Ranger-qualified Paratroopers, with another 4 leaders currently in Ranger School (2 in Mountain Phase; SPC McGoff and 2LT Inman from HHC graduating this Friday). We have 37 Jumpmasters, with 2 leaders currently in the Jumpmaster Course awaiting PWAC and JMPI testing. Additionally, by the end of the week we will have 2 new Air Movement Officer course graduates.


On 22 February, A Co conducted a CSDP LPD with all team leaders and above to discuss expectations and good techniques to manage and maintain equipment and property (storyboard attached).

Our BN S2, CPT Delgado, has begun a program to brief all squad leaders and above in the battalion on current threats. C Co conducted this brief this week in an attempt to ensure all leaders have an understanding of what threats are currently operating worldwide.

This week, HHC hosted driver's training along with C Co to qualify all new drivers in preparation for GRB1. Last week, HHC also certified x4 Raven/Puma qualified personnel.


A Co Paratroopers and their Families participated in an FRG Meeting on 23 February at the Pope FRG Center. The intent of this meeting was to relay the details from the BN FRG Steering Committee Meeting. CPT Gavin presented the Long Range Battalion Calendar and Training Schedule to families, highlighting the specific company training events in when Paratroopers will be conducting training late into the evening or training overnight. After the meeting, Paratroopers and their wives shared the rest of the time together eating some of the desserts the Spouses brought (storyboard attached).


Training Week 24’s focus will be DRC changeover. Additionally that week we will conduct Advanced Rifle Marksmanship, our ORS Outbrief, and a BN Jumpmaster Breakfast. Friday, 10 March will be a DONSA for 1-508 PIR for the DRE. Training Week 25’s focus will be preparing for CO CAMLFX in April. The battalion will conduct an M4 Qual range and medical STX lanes at the MSTC. We will end the short week with the Division Run. 1-508 PIR will conduct another RAVEN UAS Rodeo from 14 to 23 March to certify 20 new RAVEN and PUMA operators, and to re-validate up to 20 aexisting operators throughout the BCT.


MAJ Dru Rhodes
1-508 PIR Operations Officer
3BCT, 82nd ABN DIV

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