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1-508 PIR SITREP for 14 NOV – 30 NOV 17

Over the past two weeks 1-508 focused on a BCT (-) Air Assault, Operational Readiness Assessments, Division Readiness Cage transition and GRB assumption. As of 15 December, 1-508 PIR is the most ready Battalion in the Division and stands ready to jump, fight, and win anywhere in the world within eighteen hours.

Very proud to highlight the following Paratroopers - CPL Spencer, SPC Key, SPC Siess, and SPC Cornes from graduated from BLC on 8 December. SGT Henderson from graduated ALC on 15 December. 1LT Robben and SSG Demars earned the coveted senior rated jump wings. SPC Sullivan graduated SURT, and SSG Tow and SPC Morrissey graduated Ranger School on 8 December.

1-508 PIR Readiness Statistics:

1-508 PIR - Overall Individual Qualification: 100%

1-508 PIR M4 Qualification: 100%

1-508 PIR M9 Qualification: 98.1%

1-508 PIR Aggregate Crew Qualification: 100%

1-508 PIR M240 Qualification: 100%

1-508 PIR M3 Carl Gustav: 100%

1-508 PIR Aggregate Platform Qualification: 100%

1-508 PIR 60mm Mortar: 100%

1-508 PIR Aggregate Personnel Non-Deployable: 9%

1-508 PIR MRC-3 Total #: 73

1-508 PIR MRC-4 Total #: 4

1-508 PIR MED Board Total #: 11

1-508 PIR Chapter #: 19

1-508 PIR SRP Packets Complete: 99%

1-508 PIR Aggregate OR Rate: 96.7%

1-508 PIR Pacing Item OR Rate: 100%

1-508 PIR Overdue Services: 0

1-508 PIR NMC Equipment over 60 Days: 47

1-508 PIR Delinquent Lateral Transfers - Internal: 0

1-508 PIR Delinquent Lateral Transfers - External: 2

1-508 PIR Pieces of Excess Property: 2

UAS FY17 Flight Hours to Date: 391 hours RAVEN, 15.5 hours PUMA, 23 hours Instant Eye


1. Marksmanship.


2. Physical Fitness.

1-508 PIR kicked off the Battalion’s Ranger Physical Training Program on 12 December with

11 Paratroopers from across the formation.

3. Medical Skills.

The Battalion is currently 149/348 trained in CLS +. CLS + training this week produced five (5) additional qualified Paratroopers trained and validated in tasks from care under fire and combat application of a tourniquet, to preventing hemorrhaging and splinting a fractures. The Medical Platoon will conduct another CLS + class 18- 22 December.

4. Communication.

The battalion returned from block leave, and the S6 team immediately started working with the company 25Us to prepare them for the battalion’s ORA inspections. SSG Mata who led the inspection, ensured the companies had the proper TMs, and maintenance record for each piece of equipment. During the initial ORA inspection, the battalion averaged over 93% across the companies.

5. Small Unit Tactics.

4-7 December 1-508 participated in the Brigade (-) Air assault on Holland training site. The operational planning sequence forced the battalion staff to optimize the MDMP process – greatly improving our own internal staff efficiency. Companies made incredible gains in managing their own Troop Leading Procedures and executing actions-on, on a fast moving objective. No better way to return from leave, then to close with and destroy the enemy.

11-14 December the scout platoon successfully executed a comprehensive SOP Density training at Training Areas Y4 and Y2. Training included instruction and practical exercises on ORP procedures, LDR Recon procedures, Sub-Surface and Surface Surveillance Site Establishment, Hide Site establishment, Reporting, Communications with MBITR/ASIP/PRC-150 HF/PRC-117 and antenna theory and construction, and Reconnaissance Planning Process

19x 1-508 PIR Paratroopers conducted training with 307th BEB in urban demolition on range 69. Focus areas included breaching techniques, charge construction, and explosive theory.

6. Mastery of Maintenance.

Following 1-508th Block Leave, the Juliet Company Maintenance Platoon supported the battalion throughout Operation Panther Blades and ORA inspections, providing on-call automotive and small-arms maintenance assistance. The Automotive Maintenance Section completed scheduled services on twenty pieces of rolling stock equipment, including two HMMWV, four trailers, one LHS, and thirteen CROPs. The Small Arms Repair Section completed Quarterly Services on Headquarters/Headquarters Company weapons (over 220 pieces of equipment).

The Maintenance Platoon collectively brought Overdue Services down from 11 to zero, while NMC Over 60 Days dropped from 59 to 47. The Shop Office section turned in $5,424 worth of credit on our ORIL report, and work orders tracked in GCSS-Army indicate over 280 direct labor man hours completed across scheduled and unscheduled services


Finally, 1-508 PIR made an exceptional push on lateral transfers and turns while executing a BN Air Assault and ORA. Within three days, the BN completed 22/24 internal division lateral transfers before executing the Brigade Air Assault. The battalion also turned in J109 which was the number one priority turn in for the entire BCT.

7. Airborne Proficiency.

The Battalion has participated in three different airborne operations 1, 2, 14 DEC since returning from Block Leave in order to get ahead of pay losses and x3’s Paratroopers.

8. Live Fire Exercises.


School Updates.

6x Paratroopers completed CNO/CAO training this week. 2x additional personnel will attend the 9 – 11 January course.

GRF Operations.

This week 1-508 increased unit readiness levels with the assistance from 3rd Brigade staff during two weeks’ worth of Operational Readiness Assessments (ORA). Inspections focused on company Arms Rooms and commodity shops, Vehicle fleet and motor pool operations, as well as administrative personnel deployment readiness requirements.

As part of Global Response Battalion (GRB) 1 assumption, 1-508 conducted Division Readiness Cage (DRC) change over the week of 11-15 December. Vehicle changeover, ammunition loads and security force responsibilities were successfully completed by Thursday, 14 December. As of 15 December, 1 Fury is fully prepared to respond to any global threat and assigned mission within 18 hours.


1-508 PIR conducted Scout Tryouts at NTA5, Tucker Pool, and Ritz Epps Field in order to assess and select qualified paratroopers to join the Battalion Scout Platoon and bolster the unit with a highly qualified dismounted reconnaissance capability. Eight (8) of the twelve (12) candidates were selected after conducting a week of rigorous testing to include an RPFT, Combat Water Survival Test, layout, land navigation written test, recon orientation patrol, 7-hour day/night land navigation course under load, an unknown distance ruck march, team problem solving event, and reconnaissance knowledge test.


On 15DEC17, the Unit Ministry Team executed a voluntary community service ruck in support of Fayetteville's Veteran's Home. Paratroopers rucked the 5.6 miles of the Cape Fear River Trail from the Jordan Soccer Complex to the North Carolina State Veteran's Home. Paratroopers purchased and rucked non-perishable food items. After the ruck, leadership took part in visiting and serving pancakes to the residents. This initiative was designed to build resiliency, make enduring community connections, and connect Paratroopers to our military forbearers.

On 14DEC17, 1-508 PIR Unit Ministry Team participated in a community service initiative with Irwin Intermediate School. The UMT, alongside four (4) 1-508 PIR Paratroopers, baked and decorated cookies, played games, danced, and read with the school’s Special Education (SPED) children. The event was designed to establish an ongoing relationship with the school and to give back to the community.

1-508 PIR continues to retain highly qualified, combat multiplying Paratroopers. Re-enlistment highlights over the past two weeks include CPL Mock, who will be serving four (4) more years at Fort Carson, CO; And, SGT Chacho, who re-enlisted for four (4) years so he can attend Warrant Officer Candidate School within the next year.


1-508 PIR will focus on vehicle maintenance and personnel readiness during the half-day and holiday schedule while on GRB 1. The Battalion will begin a three week Marksmanship University in order to increase the lethality of the unit and train the staff for future tactical operations in an exercise at the Mission Training Complex.


Major John Intile
1-508 PIR S3
3BCT, 82nd ABN DIV


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