The Home Stretch the USNS General S. D. Sturgis enters New York City harbor with the
assist of three tugboats
Fit To Be Tied the ship is pushed closer to the pier as the tugs finish their job
At Last the Sturgis ties up and prepares to off load its precious cargo.
Sideboard shows the ship's name
Bow Shot again documents the ship's name
Getting A Look See men begin trying to watch the docking procedure
Standing Higher offers a few a better view
Horsing Around one trooper feigns strangling another man. note the steam
clouding the lower center of the photo
All photos on this and the following two pages are
presented courtesy of Michael Sumrell who purchased them on eBay and then
sought out our website in order to donate them as a priceless piece of
history. He has generously given up any copy rights in order for
us to post the images on our site.
Mike was a member of B Battery, 1st Bn. 319th FA, 82nd
Abn. Div from 1984-1987 as a Forward Observer, and he has an interest in
airborne history. His ex-wife’s grandfather was a rigger in
the 82nd during WWII for the 456th Parachute FA.