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the advance guard ambushed and destroyed two German tanks which had
been sent down the road from BAUPTE. Advance elements of the bat-
talion encountered heavy rifle and automatic weapons fire 2500 yards
northeast of BAUPTE. The battalion occupied a perimeter defensive
area and patrols were sent out to determine the nature of the resis-
tance. Resistance believed to be about a battalion, with tanks and
artillery. At 1615 the battalion attacked after an artillery pre-
paration, Company F on the left. Company D on the right, and Com-
pany E in battalion reserve. After about an hour of fierce fight-
ing, during which four 20mm guns and several machine guns were knock-
ed out and several large groups of Germans left dead in the ditches,
Company F seized the south halt of BAUPTE, cleared the end of the
causeway, and occupied a defensive position on the south end of town.
Company D fought down to the north end of the town through a hail of
small arms tire, overrunning about a company of Germans in the hedge-
rows, and encountering several tanks and a strong pocket of German
resistance in a vehicle park northeast of town. Company E was
brought through Company F's sector, seized the north half of the town
and occupied a defensive position north of town. Companies U and E
attacked the vehicle park, which was defended by at least a company,
and knocked out ten tanks with bazookas. The Germans withdrew in
confusion, leaving about fifty vehicles, which were captured. Com-
pany D reorganized and occupied position east of town. Large quan-
tities of tools, German uniforms, clothing, equipment, rations,
ammunition, and gasoline had been abandoned and were captured. Re-
organization of the battalion was completed at dark. The bridge
across the causeway which had been booby-trapped by the Germans was
prepared for demolition at dawn. The attached engineer platoon
demolished the railroad bridge west of BAUPTE and the culvert west
of HOTOT. Contact with 101st A/B Division was made on the causeway
south of BAUPTE. 

14 June 1944

1st Battalion arrived at 0130 from COIGNY to join 2nd Battalion
at BAUPTE and assist in defense of the town. The battalion ar-
rived at BAUPTE and established a perimeter defense west of the town
at 0700. 

At 0700 3rd Battalion was attacked by a small force with
with small arms fire. By 0735 the 3rd Battalion had repelled this attack
causing many casualties among the enemy, estimated at one company.
At 1005 the 3rd Battalion notified regiment that a large force of
enemy was concentrating in the area one kilometer northeast of LES
SABLONS. At this time a 15 minute artillery concentration was cal-
led for to start at 1030. 

At 1030 the 1st Battalion moved from Baupte to clear the area
in front of the 3rd Battalion position; formation approach march,
companies in column to the line of departure. Crossing the line of
departure at 1130 hour, formation two companies abreast, one com-
pany in reserve. At 1230 the battalion encountered heavy German
resistance, later confirmed as a battalion, in the vicinity of FONT
AUNY..-A heavy tire fight followed. The Germans apparently rein-
forced the position, and prevented any further advance. At 1600
hour the 1st Battalion broke contact with the enemy and withdrew
to position at BAUPTE on regimental order. Company A was used as
a covering force during the withdrawal and followed the battalion
fifteen minutes later. The Regimental CP moved to Chateau Fracquetot
at 1830. At 2230 1st Battalion moved from BAUPTE to Regimental
reserve position at FRACQUETOT. At 2300 hour 2nd Battalion, less
Company D, moved to reserve position, vicinity of CUIGNY. Company
D occupied a position north of BAUPTE. Combat groups from Company
D occupied positions at the north end of the causeway at BAUPTE, at


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