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Murphy Bridges
Guards Gen Ike's
Office In Germany

   With the 508th Regiment which now guards General Eisenhower's headquarters at Frankfurt, Germany, S/Sgt Murphy Bridges recently wrote his mother, Mrs. Clydia Makas of Keen Street, that he is living in a 5-room apartment and sometimes wonders if he is still in the Army.
   Sgt Bridges said that his regiment was attached to the 82nd Airborne Division while fighting in Europe and now he considers that this unit has the best job in the occupational Army.  A paratrooper, the Danville man said that they were now allowed to wear ties made of parachute silk instead of the regulation khaki ones.
   He spoke of his brother, Oakey Bridges, who has been missing in action since last December, and assured his family that he would try to get in touch with missing boy's commanding officer "to see if he can tell something more than just 'missing'."
  Sgt Bridges has been promoted recently to his present rank and will get a furlough soon during which time he will fly to England "where people talk something I understand."

What Murphy Bridges may have been able to report home regarding the disappearance of his brother is unknown.
   However the name of Pvt Oakey H. Bridges, 456th Parachute Field Artillery  Battalion is on the Wall of The Missing in the Netherlands American Cemetery and Memorial Margraten

IN GERMANY --- Pfc Orville Moore, 20, 508th Parachute Infantry, is now with the army of occupation, stationed at Frankfurt, Germany, according to information received by his parents, Mr.. and Mrs. C. M. Moore, Corsicana route one.  Entering the service in March 1944, he went overseas in January 1945.  He also served in Belgium and France,
Corsicana Semi-Weekly Light (Corsicana, Texas) · Fri, Oct 5, 1945]

.Pfc Donald Bray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Bray, of Seymour street, Fredonia, is at Frankfurt, Germany, with a unit of the 508th Parachute Infantry regiment.  This unit recently participated in demonstration drops to which army personnel were admitted. Dunkirk Evening Observer, Dunkirk, NY, Sat., July 28, 1945]

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