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Paratroopers on C47A, Tail Nr. 43-15102 Shot Down Near Wyler Germany

   The entire stick of Company B, 508th paratroopers left the aircraft as it was beginning to burn and subsequently crashed.  Remarkably, after narrowly escaping death in the aircraft, at least 12 of the men survived the war although four of them had to endure the deprivations of POW camps before being liberated at war's end.  Today, only one is thought to be living.

Rank Name Comments Died Location
2/Lt James L Keen not reported as casualty 4 Jan 2004 Fayetteville, NC
Pvt Carl A Angeloff KIA 20 Sep 44 Near church, Wyler, Germany
Pvt James C Appleby WIA 7 Oct 1994 June 21, 1980 Oakville, IN
Pvt Jasper F Blackmon WIA 24 Dec 1944 25 Oct 1957 Charleston, WV
Pvt James H Bruton POW, liberated Living Owensboro, KY
Pvt Norman Lee Houglan not reported as casualty 31 Aug 1995 Louisville, KY
Pvt James Q Kurz WIA 1 Oct 44, Evacuated 14 Oct 1995 died Pine Bluffs, AR [awarded Silver Star but date of action not known]
Cpl Anthony J Mrozinski POW, liberated 27 Jan 1998 Vista (San Diego Co.), CA
Pvt Hugo V Puronen POW, liberated 20 Nov 1995 Talkeetna, AK
Pvt Leonard Rachel POW, liberated 15 Jul 1996 Everett, WA
Pvt Charles F Rollins not reported as casualty 24 Feb 2004 Red House, WV
Pfc Hersel Salyer not reported as casualty 5 Mar 1993 Elkhorn City, KY
Pvt Stanley S. Sloan WIA 1 Oct 44 18 Dec 1996 Colville, WA
Pvt Chester A Standley WIA, date unknown 28 Oct 1988 Tulsa, OK
Cpl Jesse J Womble KIA 11 Jan 1945 Belgium
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