to Rank of
Corporal While in Korea
With the 25th Infantry Div. in Korea
Norville E. Bowles, whose wife lives on R. D. 1, Bainbridge, Pa.,
recently was promoted to corporal while serving in Korea with the
25th Infantry Division.
Bowles, a squad leader in the 27th Infantry Regiment's Company G,
entered the Army in February 1951 and arrived in Korea last
A 1946 graduate of Bainbridge High School, he has been
awarded the Parachutist Badge.
Bowles, whose mother, Mrs. Mary E. Bowles, also lives on R. D. 1,
Bainbridge, is a former employee of the Sipkin Corp., in Marietta,
The 25th has been in Korea longer than any other American division.
It entered the fighting in July, 1950, shortly after the Communist
attack on South Korea.
[Elizabethtown Chronicle, Elizabethtown, PA, 27 Mar 1953, Fri, Page 11] |
Army Sergeant John M. Aicholtz, 22, son
of Mrs. Anne Aicholtz, 5520 Hopewell, Church Road, Lancaster, was one
of more than 800 paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division at Ft. Bragg,
N.C., who participated in Exercise Freedom Vault in the
Republic of Korea, March 3-6.
The exercise, held jointly
with South Korean forces, was designed to demonstrate the capability
to rapidly deploy U.S. Strike Command Units from this country to an
overseas area for immediate tactical operations. The Airborne troops were flown on the 8,500 mile polar route journey by
transport aircraft of the U.S. Air Force.
Highlighting the exercise
was a parachute assault into the simulated combat zone well south of
the Korean demilitarized zone. Freedom Vault was the second
exercise of its type to be held in the Republic of Korea. Paratroopers
of the 82nd also jumped there during exercise Focus Retina in March 1969.
Sgt. Aicholtz is a fire team leader in
Company C, 2nd Battalion of the Division's 508th Infantry. He holds
the Silver Star, Bronze Star Medal for Heroism, Army Commendation
Medal for Heroism and the Purple Heart.
His wife, Judith, lives at 5523
Marcia St.. Fayetteville, N.C.
[Lancaster Eagle-Gazette, Lancaster, OH, 30 Mar 1971, Tue, Page 16]
4 Robert L. Chatman, 20, son of Mr. and Daniel L. Chatman of 325 St., High
Point, was one more than 800 paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne
Division at Ft. Bragg, who participated in Exercise Freedom Vault in
the Republic of Korea in early March.
The exercise, held jointly with South Korean forces, was to
demonstrate the capability to rapidly deploy U.S. Strike Command
units from this country to an overseas area for immediate tactical
operations. The Airborne troops were flown on the 8,500 mile polar
route journey by transport aircraft of the U. S. Force.
Highlighting the exercise was a parachute assault into the
simulated co m b a t zone of the K o r e a zone. Freedom Vault was
the second exercise of its type to be in the Republic of Korea.
Paratroopers of the 82nd also jumped there during Exercise Focus
Retina in March 1969.
Chatman is a grenadier in Company C, 2nd Battalion of the
Division's 508th Infantry.
[The High Point Enterprise, High Point, NC, 24 Mar 1971, Wed, Page 37] |