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(All photos courtesy of Gerheim family.  Inscriptions enclosed in quotation marks, all others are comments of Jumpmaster)

"Frank Dasch"

undoubtedly Lindale Keating,  He appears to be wearing TSgt stripes

believed to be John A., Burns but there were a number of men in the 508th with this surname

Unknown Balladeer

"Casey Hiking To Ross"
 Casey's full name may be Thomas F. Casey but there were too many men named Ross to speculate on him at this time

Lt Carl A. Smith
suited for a practice jump

thought to be John D. Kersh (not Karsh)

Inspection Fails
unknown SSgt (Tec?) looks at boardwalk with a loose board

Unknown Receiver

Harry Gerheim wearing his chutes and holding an M-1. 

Unknown Trooper
seems ready to go

Flip Side
probably the same man but with helmet

Pvt William R. Chestnut
Co F, prepares for practice jump
[courtesy of Jonnie (Chestnut) Salmi]

Pvt James J. Caruso
has his head (and his feet?) in the clouds as he gazes skyward

Good Stick
of jumpers stream from a C-47

Good Landing
two troopers are back on terra firma

"Lefty" Brewer
brought his Washington Senators uniform with him to Camp Mackall.  He gave up his major league baseball slot to serve his country and was KIA on 6 June 1944.

Camp Mackall Champions
the 508th Red Devils garnered the 1943 Camp Mackall Championship. All are unidentified except Forrest "Lefty" Brewer, back row, 4th from left.
(courtesy of baseballinwartime.com)