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James Wynne, HQ 1st, "liberated" a set
of cards found on a German and has provided them for our use. Since
they were not only in German but in an old, formal dialect it has taken
some time to find a translator. We are fortunate to have the pro
bono services of Gail Peterson who has graciously deciphered the text on
these card for us. Each card is displayed with its photo front and
the text on its back. Note that the large body of text, translated
below, appearing in the center of each card is repeated and therefore only
shown once. |
Photo groups 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33 belong to the linen
bound Album Nr. 8: “Germany Awakens”. The cover and book decoration were
created by the SS Senior Assault Leader Felix Ulbrecht and the text was
written by Wilfrid Bade, the author of the publication “The SA Conquers
Berlin”. The Reichs-photojournalist of the National Socialist German
Workers Party Heinrich Hoffmann contributed the film covering the Reich to
the arrangement and undertook the artistic finishing of the reproductions.
This book which contains numerous complete illustrations and the panorama
of the regiment dedication (at Luitpoldhain 8/6/1933) during the last
Reichs Party Day 1933 conveys the overwhelming power of the greatest
events of our days.
These cards are but
a portion of Album Number 8, entitled "Germany Awakens,
Development, Struggle
and Victory of the NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers Party or
Nazis)" |
My dear B_______ friend’s
memory of the War Years 1940-
1940-41 |
20.000 SA Troops (Hitler’s Storm troopers) march toward
Toburg on the 10th Commemoration Day of the Liberation of Toburg from the
Red Terror
Picture Nr. 77, Group 32 |
In the mountains. The Fuhrer bears a heavy burden.
Picture Nr. 195, Group 30 |