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MG Lindquist Uniform Jacket |
uniform jacket of Major General Roy E. Lindquist was on display at a gun
show in Birmingham, Alabama on the 12 October 2013. This and all
other photos courtesy of Rob Sickler, son of the late Robert Sickler, an
officer in Co D.

The inside pocket has a label indicating that the uniform
was tailored expressly for the general by Becker Uniforms, Columbus,
GA. His initials, "R E L" appear over the pocket.
Also shown is a printed sheet showing that he was a West Point graduate,
class of 1930 as well as his date of death and that he was buried at
West Point Cemetery.

decorations include (top to bottom and left to
Combat Infantryman Badge
Row 1. Silver Star Ribbon and Legion of Merit with 1 OLC
Row 2 Bronze Star Ribbon with two OLC, Purple
Heart, American Defense Service Medal with 1 Bronze Service Star Device
Row 3 European-Africa-Middle East Campaign Ribbon,
American Campaign Ribbon, WW II Victory Ribbon, Army of Occupation
Row 4 American Defense Service Ribbon, unknown
(foreign service?), French Croix de Guerre, unknown (foreign service?)
Parachutist Badge
The Army President Unit Citation is shown over the
tight-hand pocket in the first photo.