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From The

APRIL 2005

Dear 508 Veterans,
            Family Members,
                         or Friends of the 508th

Another year has flown by, and I think often of the miracle completed 61 years ago when the Allied forces stormed back onto continental Europe at Normandy in the largest military operation of all time. What a time to live through, and what an operation of which to be a part! Never before had any military action reached the scope of D-Day, and no military operation since has eclipsed it.

I marvel at the logistics alone. How was it possible Operations Overlord and Neptune came to be (and succeeded, despite many difficulties--Airborne drops scattered all over the Cotentin Peninsula and sea-borne invasion forces landing at the incorrect beaches)?

Young people of today would be shocked to hear D-Day was accomplished without computers. Heck, they cannot believe a single electronic calculator of today is more powerful than the onboard computer / navigation instruments that helped guide Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin to the moon’s surface on Apollo 11. But, without computers, using human intelligence, creativity, and shear will power, the men and women of the Allied armed forces pulled off the most complicated and vast operation ever conceived.

Ours is a country which promotes and upholds competition as one of the most important foundations of who we are, yet I marvel at the cooperation involved in pulling D-Day off. Don’t misunderstand -- I believe competition is valuable and can bring forth greatness, but people working together as a team (a very large team!) brought the success at Normandy on June 6, 1944.

Bud Ash wants folks to know he has many Airborne memorabilia still available for sale. Those of you who have attended 508 Reunions in the past know Bud and should be able to locate him in your old rosters.

War in the Movies

I recently followed William Wyndom’s advice and watched “The Red Badge of Courage,” which he recommended as one of only two realistic portrayals of war on film. The film, starring Audie Murphy and Bill Mauldin, though short (about 75 minutes in length), was excellent, as Mr. Wyndom said.

Zig Boroughs regrets to inform his readers his latest (and most likely last) book about the 508 in World War II is sold out. Zig and Mary’s commitment to their ever-growing and busy family, plus too frequent trips to see doctors, makes a second printing unfeasible at this time.

Ernie Lamson Closes the Books on the 508 PIR Association

I recently received papers from Ernie Lamson, Treasurer of the former 508 PIR Association, and the Association finished in fine form...with a balance forward of exactly $0. After paying for expenses accrued as part of the final reunion and making contributions to Camp Blanding Museum and others, every single cent was accounted for. I need not inform members of the former 508 PIR Association of the Lamson’s tireless and accurate work, but let’s let Ernie and Charlene know how much we appreciate their work.


Bill Nation

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