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3 Virginians Die in Vietnam

   WASHINGTON (AP) - The Defense Department has report en three more Virginia service men killed in Vietnam. Killed in action were Army Cpl. Samuel H. Easley II, son of Mrs. Roxie L. Easley of Bassett and Marine Corps Sgt. Henry L. Gofft, husband of Mrs. Henry L. Goff, 1024 Godwin St., Chesapeake.
   The status of Marine Corns [sic] Pfc. William M. Levendis, son of Mrs. Mary Levendis, 428 Knoll St., Vienna, was changed from missing to dead of hostile causes.

[The News Leader, Staunton, VA, 04 Jun 1968, Tue. Page 3]

[courtesy of hgs205]

Grave marker and resulting stone for Cpl William M. Levendis in Section 12, Site 2581, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington (Arlington county), Virginia.

Cpl Levendis was a Tactical Wire Operations Specialist, killed on 26 May 1968 by small arms fire on Nyu Ke (Hill 618), 18 KM south of Hue, South Vietnam.

He is honored on Panel 68w, Line 5 of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC