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Pvt Charles N. DeGlopper
a member of Company C/1st Battalion/325th GIR was unmarried and gave his life to enable his companions who all had families to escape from an enemy attack
Medal and Certificate of Award
are depicted in the bi-lingual panel.  The memorial is located near Cauquigny on Route 15 in the village of
Hameau Flaux
Hand Salute
delivered by Lt. Col. Kelly Carrigg

Floral Wreath
is brought forward by Kelly and Daniel Briard

Wreath Placement
is carefully attended to
With Feeling
Kelly talked about Pvt DeGlopper and his sacrifice. Pictured also is Rodolphe Roger and Daniel Briard

True Representative
Kelly is a member of the Charles DeGlopper VFW Post 9249 in his hometown of Grandview, NY
Doubly Suitable
Lt. Col Carrigg is fluent in French and was ell received by the local audience
Family Memento
photo of the DeGlopper family was display by ?Kelly

Camera Buffs
[l-r] Donald and Sophia and den Bogert as well as Nelly van Loo snapped from the sidelines

Gray Castle
was the name given by the G.I.'s to this nearby estate which served as a landmark.  It had initially been occupied by Germans who were dispelled
All Normandy 'D-Day Plus 65' trip photos are a multi-national  mixture of work by Hervé Argoud, Hans DeBree,  Gene Garren, Fred Hoek, Herbert Lahout, Randy Lewellen,  Cyndi Mathews, Bill Nation, Dick O'Donnell, Dominique Potier, Vivian Roger, Zane Schlemmer, Donald van den Bogert and  Nelly van Loo.  Individual credits have not been given.

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