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NORMANDY 2009 - PERSONALITIES (in no particular order) (3 of 5)

82nd Airborne Yesteryear
re-enactor with what appears to be motorcycle goggles

82nd Airborne Today
Major Riegel poses with Randy Lewellen

Rapt Attention
a 101st vet at left sits next to a 29th Infantry veteran

Telling it Like It Was
82nd veteran Julius Eisner spins a yarn for a Liberty Jump Team member

Manley Interview
Ralph Manley, 101st, is videotaped

LCVP Driver
(far right) William L. Brannan (USN) landed Canadian soldiers with his Higgins boat on Juno beach, 6 June 1944

Kate and Emily Graham point to great-grandfather's name on Lucien Hasley's wall

Nick, Cyndi Mathew, Chet Graham, great granddaughters Kate and Emily Graham at Lucien Hasley's wall

Zane Schlemmer
with unidentified teens

Donald and Sophia van den Bogert
of the Netherlands

Tour Buddies
operator Eddie Polk, Jan Silver and driver Franz

Zane Schlemmer
with Xavier Van Daele of Belgium

Curtis Phillips
from 4DI 22 Regt wears Purple Heart and Bronze Star Medal. He hit Utah Beach in the second wave on D-Day.  Curtis has lived in Belgium since 1946 

Bob Bearden (507th)

Zane Schlemmer
gets a hug.  Hanging out in front of the ladies clothing store has its rewards!

Chet Graham and great- granddaughter Emily Mathews
at Picauville monument

Zane Schlemmer
with a new recruit

Mike and Cindy Mathews with grandfather Chet Graham
All Normandy 'D-Day Plus 65' trip photos are a multi-national  mixture of work by Hervé Argoud, Hans DeBree, Gene Garren, Fred Hoek, Herbert Lahout, Randy Lewellen,  Cyndi Mathews, Bill Nation, Dick O'Donnell, Dominique Potier, Vivian Roger, Zane Schlemmer, Donald van den Bogert and  Nelly van Loo-Polley.  Individual credits have not been given.


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