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NORMANDY 2009 - PERSONALITIES (in no particular order) (4of 5)

1st Sergeant
wears a holstered German Luger

ID Check?
admirer seems to be comparing Chet's face to book's photo

Live Interview
Chet is on camera

British Royal Navy
veteran  parades as part of a color guard

Kris, Dominquez and Nelly van Loo-Polley
of Belgium

Difenna and Cindy Rontgen
of the Netherlands

Chet Graham at Picauville monument

Chet Graham and great-granddaughter Emily at street named after him

Zane Schlemmer
with unidentified soldier

Zane Schlemmer
poses with two youngsters

Tim Roop
discusses book photos

[l-r] Marie Delépine, Michelle Renard, and Jill Heisler
share a group hug

Canadian Veteran
Frank Luff  was aboard HMS Hilary Landing Ship

1/Lt D. E. Thompson
was with the
487th Bomb Group (H)

Reed Pelfrey was in 502th PIR, HQ Co, and
wears the units "Widowmaker" skull and bat wings as well as a Currahee emblem

Donald Rutter
505th PIR, Hq Co, Bernville PA
Robert Dickson
319th Glider Field Artillery Battalion (GFAB), of Belleville, AR
Spiders Man
Gene Sylvester
Melbourne FL wears the 507th's "Spiders" emblem

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