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JUNE  2009

Flags Fly
in the onshore breeze

Utah Museum
houses may significant artifacts

Monuments and Museum
are adjacent along Utah Beach

1st Engineers Memorial

90th ID Memorial
in memory of their heroic dead, 6 June 1944 - 8 May 1945
Officers and Sailors Memorial
the fallen will never be forgotten, the veteran will ever be honored"

Ships  Memorial
names 14 Destroyers, 6 Destroyer Escorts, 1 Attack Transport, the Naval Combat Demolition Units and the Amphibious Scouts and Raiders

Sailor Sunset
evening sky highlights the Ships memorial

Artillery Piece
points out to sea. It may be a relic of a German shore battery

Muzzle Flare
as setting sun provides a spectacular backdrop

Higgins Boats
with landing ramps dropped off hundreds of troops

Beach Barriers
hedgehogs and barbed wire impeded the assault force

M-4 Sherman
is displayed outside the museum

Utah Beach museum houses a "Duck" being viewed by Sophia van den Berger

Command Cars
stopped at the museum

Command Bunker
Naval Communication Center established after previous residents were kicked out

cites that the bunker was used by USN personnel from 8 June through 31 October 1944

Sands of Remembrance
sand sculpture of G.I.'S features emblems of major divisions

Buried In Time
this heavy caliber weapon with scope peers from the sand

Beautiful Beach
today as scene of horror 65 years ago

Lone Flag
flutters in the breeze at Utah Beach

505th Authors
were present at Utah Beach and Deadman's Corner Museums for sales and autographs of their work

Bill Galbraith (506th PIR)

Manny Barrios (506th PIR)
All Normandy 'D-Day Plus 65' trip photos are a multi-national  mixture of work by Hervé Argoud, Hans DeBree, Gene Garren, Fred Hoek, Herbert Lahout, Randy Lewellen,  Cyndi Mathews, Bill Nation, Dick O'Donnell, Dominique Potier, Vivian Roger, Zane Schlemmer, Donald van den Bogert and  Nelly van Loo-Polley.  Individual credits have not been given.

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