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NORMANDY 2009 - PERSONALITIES (in no particular order) (5 of 5)

Zane Schlemmer
with unidentified troops

Edward B Lapotsky
Vice-President, 82nd Airborne Division C-47 Chapter Club
William Couts
a "Tough 'ombre"
90th Infantry 358/E Division veteran
Harry William
90th ID 357/E
Howard Hubner
also a 507th veteran presents a salute

Zane Schlemmer
with unidentified paratroopers

Laurence Bragg , a Korean Conflict Veteran with the Rangers

Check This Out!
unidentified admirer points to Zane's Legion of Honor medal

British Veterans
many wearing their 2004 D-Day Commemorative pins

Proud Posture
on this veteran tells it all as he strides through SME church plaza

Proud Group
of veterans wear jaunty berets

508ers Meet
Zane Schlemmer and Ernie Lamson greet one another in SME.  Joe Hill, son of O.B., stands behind Ernie.

Sniper Shot
Randy Lewellen cranks off a few frames from within a gun emplacement

Zane Schlemmer
with unidentified Major
Ray Fary
an 80th Airborne Anti-Aircraft Battalion, 82nd Airborne Division veteran from Chicago

Cyril Askew, 92 (l) and Frank Allen (r), 85 both from Liverpool, England

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