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"Scene" Around The Floor

Lois Andrews and  three men of the Fraternity of Paratroopers from Mexico

Dress Blues
China boy Lopez poses with members of the Mexican contingent

The Bar Was Open
and did a brisk business

Lucky Raffle Tickets
were on sale by John Coates, Angel Romero and
"Chuy" Zamora

Raffle Goodies!
Tickets holders waited eagerly for their numbers to be drawn

Airborne Insignia
were among the raffle items

Pat Laakso beams with her raffle prize as George Shenkle and Pat's sister Linda Smith look on

Jan Silver
won a clock

A Smooch
was her reward for giving it to Bill Andrews

And The Winner Is ...
John Ceballos calls out the next ticket number drawn

There's A Winner
as someone responds to their ticket number

Audrey Rogers
won a clock as well

The Villa Band Fired Up
with a lively mix of dance tunes

Ellen Peters and Steven Fraser
(far right) were one of many couples on the dance floor

Bill and Lois Andrews
hit the floor

Pam Speers
"borrowed" Bill for a dance
All El Paso photos are a mixture of work by Lois Andrews, Joe Hill, Dick O'Donnell and Manuel Piņa.  Individual credits have not been given.
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