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Special awards of recognition were presented to all WW-II veterans in attendance or to their next of kin.  The plaques read as:
In Appreciation of
Faithful & Dedicated Service
In Securing Freedom & World Peace
Master of Ceremonies
John Ceballos prepares to call the awardees forward, each in turn

Waiting In The Wings
[l-r] John Coates and Angel Romero along with escort "China Boy" Lopez wait to be called

Angel Romero
is escorted to the front by "China Boy"

John confers an award on Angel Romero (Co G)

Lt Col Bob Chisolm (Ret.) was an enlisted man in I Co during WW-II

John Ceballos
congratulates Bob Chisolm on his award

Bob Chisolm and Angel Romero congratulate one another

James Carter
unit unknown

Capt Bob Speers (Ret.) was an enlisted man in Hq 2nd in WW-II

Ralph King
was next to be up front

George Shenkle (Co E) accepts his award
John Coates (Medic, Co. C & Hq 1st) is all smiles as he collects his honors
All El Paso photos are a mixture of work by Lois Andrews, Joe Hill, Dick O'Donnell and Manuel Piņa.  Individual credits have not been given.
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