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Viva El Paso is a high energy musical drama, with colorful costumery.  It is presented on the outdoor stage of the McKelligon Canyon Amphitheater.  Located  near the UTEP Campus the production tells the tale of "4 Cultures, 4 Centuries, 1 City".  It is not only entertaining, it is highly informative!

McKelligon Canyon
is nestled in the Franklin Mountains west of El Paso

Ample Seating
is afforded the audience with over 1,500 seats.  The amphitheatre is surrounded on three sides by dramatic canyon walls

Stage Area
is large and easily viewed from through the theatre

Sword Salute
marks part of the historic presentation of Spanish Conquistador influences

Flash Prohibited
makes for difficult photography but the flag of Texas shows clearly

Dancers celebrate the admission of the former "Tejas" into the union.

Post Production Mingling
with performers found Lois Andrews with a "hunk"

Lois' Hubby Bill
found a couple to pose with too

Linda Hill and John Coates both seem pleased to be with this young man.

Would You Believe
that this young lady pleaded to have her photo taken with Dick O'Donnell? ... Didn't think you would.  Jan Silver rounds out the trio
All El Paso photos are a mixture of work by Lois Andrews, Joe Hill, Dick O'Donnell and Manuel Piņa.  Individual credits have not been given.
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