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Warren Wilt (I Co) accepts his plaque

Broughton "Brody" Hand (Co C) was surprised, but happy, to be called

Jan Silver is escorted to the podium to receive recognition for her late husband, Walter

Jan Silver gratefully accepted the award for Walter

Pat Laakso [l] and Linda Smith [r] accept award in memory of their father Billy McClure (Co D)

Award Recipients
group photo

All Veterans
present, regardless of period or branch of service, gathered for a group photo.

Bob Speers
happily shows off his plaque
Lois Andrews helped John Coates show off his new award Jan Silver
shows off the plaque given in memory of her husband Walter H. Silver (Co C)

508th Participation Award was gratefully accepted by [l-r] Dick O'Donnell, Jan Silver and Ellen Peters

Members of the Fraternity of Paratroopers, Mexico received a participation award as well.
All El Paso photos are a mixture of work by Lois Andrews, Joe Hill, Dick O'Donnell and Manuel Piņa.  Individual credits have not been given.
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