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Col. Loren P. Stewart past Camp executive officer was honored after he was KIA in the Philippines with the naming of this grass landing field in the heart of Camp Blanding..

Drop Zone Diablo dedicated in June 1999, a significant honor as no man of the 508th has ever jumped here. It is the only 508th PIR monument or marker  displaying the precise date and time of the Regiment's two WW-II combat jumps.  The marker is set into a pentagonal base and lies flat to prevent becoming a hazard for parachutists.

3rd Bn., 2-th Special Forces hosted the group at a parachute riggers demonstration held on Stewart Field

Parachutist Instructor (Red Hat) discusses various parachute packs no9w employed (photo courtesy Ellen Peters)

No Longer Silk today's canopies are synthetic material as these veterans found out. (photo courtesy Ellen Peters)

Walter Barrett tests the heft of the new gear worn by today's comb at parachutists..Suiting Up for a jump is not a one man job.  Here the instructor is assisted in gathering in slack as he harnesses the chute to his body.Intricate Lacing of the rip cord is easily seen on this chute pack.

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