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Red Hat Trainer points out some features of the modern day parachutist equipment (photo courtesy Ellen Peters)

Interchangeable D-Ring enables easy swap to accommodate different static lines.  (photo courtesy Ellen Peters)

Rock Merritt seems dubious about all this new fangled gadgetry. (photo courtesy Graham Lawson)

Rapt Attention of the veterans shows just how much they appreciate the demonstration given that day. (photo courtesy Graham Lawson)


Quonset Hut
in the riggers work area is undoubtedly of WW-II vintage.  Built by the thousands they can still be found in many locations, military and civilian.

Packing Shed
Smaller than those used at Fort Benning but suited to the local mission, this building houses the parachute packing facility at Blanding.

(photo courtesy Graham Lawson)

Packing Tables
are used to spread out the entire chute, its risers and harness as a preliminary to the critical steps of parachute packing.

Graham Lawson of Nottingham, England, had expressed interest in putting on a parachute to see how it felt.  His wish was readily granted by the riggers after the demonstration had ended.

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