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Replacement Training Center was Blanding's role between 1943 & 1945 but it was a primary basic training camp when the 508th formed here in November of 1942.

(l-r) Bob Satterly and Graham Lawson (r) at the Funk Memorial with the Orange Blossom Express C-47 in the background.
(photo courtesy Graham Lawson)

D-Day Memorial is dedicated to all who served in the Normandy Invasion on June 6, 1944
(photo courtesy Graham Lawson)

Graham Lawson (l) and Zig Boroughs (r)
pose inside the Blanding Museum.
(photo courtesy Graham Lawson)

508th Regimental Flag was encased during the Retirement Ceremonies held in October 2004.  The Color Guard then bought it to the nearby museum building.  It now is prominently displayed in a bay of the museum for all to admire.

Battle Streamers
arrayed represent the 508th's participation in (top to bottom):
Rhineland 1944-1945, Ardennes-Alsace 1944-19445,  Cotentin, Central Europe, Nijmegen, Cotentin (different award), Ste. Mere Eglise, and Normandy-1944,
(Photo courtesy Wooster Morgan estate)


Guide-On Bearer
carries the banner of the HQ 2nd, 508th.  He wears
all the appropriate service decorations awarded to the 508th personnel.


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