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508th Red Devil
is prominently displayed in a glass case.  Note the now retired regimental flag in the background.
(photo courtesy Graham Lawson)

508th Red Devil
in a close up view is still a fearsome character

82nd Airborne
men at a mortar emplacement.  (Things must be quiet as the private is having a cup of Java while the officer is unperturbed.)

Betty Grable
one of many Hollywood stars who became known as "Pin-up Stars".  This copy of her photo is totally adorned with signatures of WW-II veterans who still admire her today.
WW-II Era Posters such as this one helped to keep the American populace motivated to buy war bonds.Ste. Mere Eglise
artwork by Tom Gintjee was done in 1992.  Gintjee was a member of HQ1st and a talented artist.  His work includes the famous Red Devil unit insignia.
Devil in Glass
a stained glass patch replica hangs in the 508th museum bay.  Artist unknown.


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