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1-508 PIR SITREP for 01 APR 17 - 14 APR 2017

Our focus these past two weeks was on Squad Live Fire exercises and a Shoot-house live fire in preparation for Company Live Fires. Additionally, we conducted a MORTEP and Sniper KD range, helping to validate and certify our tactical proficiency prior to Company Live Fires. Also during this reporting period we tested, demonstrated and validated our Readiness as the GRB1 conducting two separate level II EDREs.

In addition to conducting our own training 4 company command teams and key members of the battalion staff and leadership supported 1st BCT's CTE by providing OC/T support for two of their infantry battalions.

We also have great news to report from the Division PRC and Fort Benning. 1-508 PIR had 3 Paratroopers graduate PRC on 12 APR: SPC Mastantuono (A Co), PFC Leischner (A Co), and PV2 Westfall (HHC). Furthermore, SPC Aldeano graduated from Ranger School as part of Class 4-17. SGT Bell (HHC) and CPL Hupf (HHC) both graduated from IMLC. SGT Bell made the commandant's list and CPL Hupf scored a 94% grade point average as the only E4 in the class.

1-508 PIR Readiness Statistics:

1-508 PIR - Overall Individual Qualification: 100%

1-508 PIR M4 Qualification: 100%
1-508 PIR M9 Qualification: 98.1%
1-508 PIR Aggregate Crew Qualification: 100%
1-508 PIR M240 Qualification: 100% 1-508 PIR M3 Carl Gustav: 100%

1-508 PIR Aggregate Platform Qualification: 100%
1-508 PIR 60mm Mortar: 100%
1-508 PIR Aggregate Personnel Non-Deployable: 11%
1-508 PIR MRC-3 Total #: 66 1-508 PIR MRC-4 Total #: 4
1-508 PIR MED Board Total #: 16 1-508 PIR Chapter #: 15
1-508 PIR SRP Packets Complete: 90%

1-508 PIR Aggregate OR Rate: 96.9%
1-508 PIR Pacing Item OR Rate: 75%
1-508 PIR Overdue Services: 0
1-508 PIR NMC Equipment Over 60 Days: 0
1-508 PIR Delinquent Lateral Transfers - Internal: 1
1-508 PIR Delinquent Lateral Transfers - External: 3
1-508 PIR Pieces of Excess Property: 34

UAS FY17 Flight Hours to Date: 262 hours RAVEN, 10.5 hours PUMA, 20 hours Instant Eye


1. Marksmanship.

On 04-06 APR 17, the Scout Platoon executed a sniper Known Distance range. Training was conducted on range 62B, in conjunction with 1P and 2P sniper teams, focusing on alternate shooting positions, collecting data on previous engagements (DOPE) on the M2010 bolt action and M110 SASS weapons systems, and executing simultaneous target engagements. They fired over 1500 rounds of .300 Win MAG and 600 rounds of 7.62 match grade. The Scout Platoon also had the opportunity to train with SFODA 3235 at Range 44. The SF Weapons Sergeants trained the Scouts on different weapon systems including: MK-47, M2A1, 60mm mortars, and the M240L. (see storyboard)

From 10-11 APR, 83x C Co Paratroopers conducted Shoot House training. All newly assigned Paratroopers zeroed and conducted reflexive fire tables thus improving C Co's overall readiness. Between day and night iterations of the shoothouse, C Co executed CQB tables that focused on the differences between "point of aim" and "point of impact" at various distances. This additional marksmanship training yielded large improvements within the shoothouse. (see storyboard)

2. Physical Fitness.

On 11 APR, 77x B Co Paratroopers conducted a 15 mile company foot march to Sicily DZ. Platoons moved tactically in a modified wedge utilizing the firebreaks. SITREPs from each platoon were required when crossing phase lines and identifying front line trace of troops. Short halts and linear danger areas were emphasized throughout the movement. (see storyboard)

Over the past two weeks, C Co began implementation of a comprehensive PT plan that encompasses both morning and afternoon events in an effort to increase overall health and well-being of Paratroopers. Additionally, C Co is in the process of finalizing a PT schedule that will serve a dual purpose of providing predictability while also being a useable document for the individual Paratrooper to track progress.

3. Medical Skills.

On 06 APR, during the level II EDRE, A Co received the follow-on mission to move to the MSTC site. While there 83 Paratroopers participated in a simulated mass civilian casualty. A Co was responsible for securing the site as well as a nearby landing zone. At the LZ A Co was required to run PZ operations for the CASEVAC. Once the mass casualty mission was complete, platoons were able to utilize MSTC site resources to conduct additional medical training.

From 10-13 APR 17 Paratroopers from all 6 companies attended the field sanitation training provided by the BSB. This training enhanced our expeditionary abilities and will help preserve combat power in austere environments by improving individual Paratrooper skills and building depth in the organization in the area of field craft.

4. Communication.

From 04-05 APR, D Co executed a virtual CAMLFX on OP13. Special emphasis was put on reporting and coordination between a Heavy Weapons platoon and a dismounted maneuver element during the simulation training. The lessons learned from this training event will pay dividends during CAMLFX as Heavy Weapons platoons are integrated into line companies. (see storyboard)

During the GRB 1+ EDRE, on 06 APR, D Co's follow on task was to conduct a mounted maneuver and execute a COMMEX via JCR and FM. This test allowed D Co to validate their mission command capabilities in a time constrained environment. As a result D Co gained a better understanding of their communication gaps and how to improve their readiness.

On 11 APR, Paratroopers from the A Co headquarters section set up the company command post in order to train the team on key communication systems in preparation for the CAMLFX. The company communications NCO supervised the construction of the CP and the installation of all mission command equipment. (see storyboard)

5. Small Unit Tactics.

On 4 APR, Paratroopers from A Co attended anti-tank weapons training led by SGT Duffield (3PLT). The reviewed basic Paratrooper skills in the employment of AT weapons systems including the M3 Carl Gustav and FGM 148 Javelin. The course progressed to include a large MAWC rigging class and a door-bundle building class focused and other best practices for delivering AT weapons to the battlefield during airborne operations. Finally, Paratroopers used a virtual trainer to practice employing the weapons systems. (see storyboard).

From 04 to 06 April, C Co executed drivers training on the MRZR and DAGOR platform in Area K. SGT Cardenas, the BN MRZR/DAGOR Master Driver successfully trained 9 Paratroopers on the MRZR platform and will complete their training on the DAGOR platform on 13 April. C Co continues to work towards validating load plans and tactical employment of these platforms in preparation for the CAMLFX. (see storyboard)

From 04-05 APR, D Co focused on PLT, Section, and truck level maneuver during VBS3 simulations training at the mission training complex. Platoons coordinated indirect fires, mounted support by fire, and dismounted maneuver as a mission rehearsal for Company CAMLFX on OP13. The Heavy Weapons Platoons learned the importance of mounted/dismounted coordination, SDZ of their primary weapon systems, and the necessity of constant communication between adjacent units in the same battlespace, (see storyboard)

From 10-11APR, 88 Paratroopers from A Co conducted a basic land navigation course and practical exercise. On the first day, Paratroopers attended a class taught by SGT Peden (3PLT) that covered land navigation fundamentals. On the second day, the company executed land navigation in Area J, initially pairing stronger and weaker Paratroopers together, gradually working up to individual night land navigation. (see storyboard)

From 10-11 APR C Co executed the shoothouse at range 62A. Thirteen fire teams completed the shoothouse. C Co used this opportunity to master the basics of entering and clearing center and corner feed rooms, as well as clearing dead space. The company solidified TTPs and will use those to amend our SOPs. (see storyboard)

6. Mastery of Maintenance.

Over the past two weeks, 1-508 PIR's Maintenance Section in J Co completed fixes on dead-lining faults for two vehicles, and completed services for five pieces of rolling stock. The Maintenance section was also able to repair 4x M240 tripods, 1x MK19, 1x M240B, and 5x PSQ-20B. Additionally, they were able to turn in 15 pieces of excess equipment. The Distribution Platoon conducted two ammo draws and turn-ins, supporting live fire and small arm ranges. Additionally, they executed the delivery of over 700 meals to Paratroopers out in the training area.

Each week, the BMO chooses a section, and provides a class focusing on PMCS of that sections internal equipment. On 10 APR 17, 1-508 PIR's S6, in conjunction with the BMO, facilitated a PMCS class on the battalion's organic radio systems. The BMO led the training, focusing on the standard PMCS of each radio system and preventative maintenance measures that can be used when conducting airborne operations.

7. Airborne Proficiency.

1-508 PIR Air Team made coordination with the USAAAS and members of the GLO to schedule an LPD on chapter 13 operations during an upcoming large package week. On 10 May 17, 1-508 PIR squad leaders and above will have the opportunity to conduct a hands-on LPD inside an aircraft to discuss the procedures and expectations of key leaders during a real world no-notice mission. This will expand upon discussions during last month's jumpmaster breakfast where we shared a vignette from the 173rd's jump into Iraq that caused Paratrooper confusion when a jump master exited the aircraft in the middle of the chalk. Other items that will be covered include jumping safeties, leadership and mission command, and in-flight rigging procedures.

8. Live Fire Exercises.

From 31 MAR-02 APR 17 HHC/1-508 PIR's Scout Platoon conducted a Live Fire Exercise (LFX) on Range 76. Each Recon team utilized claymore mines during day and night live fire portions, executing blowout drills from sub-surface and surface surveillance sites. Blowout drills consisted of firing the claymore mine, and using smoke and alternating bounds to cover team members as they withdrew under pressure. Sniper teams provided cover to the Scout teams as they withdrew, and each iteration ended upon successful linkup between the Recon and Sniper teams. Key tasks trained were break contact, employ obstacles, conduct linkup, and conduct surveillance. (see storyboard)

From 04-12 APR 17 HHC's Mortar Platoon conducted their Mortar LFX, employing 60, 81, and 120mm mortar systems. Key tasks of the training included various types of fire missions (registration, grid, polar, coordinated illumination, immediate smoke), tactical employment, shooting techniques (hide and shoot, direct lay, direct align), and Fire Direction Center procedures. The Mortar Platoon was able to qualify their gunners on the 60mm and 81mm weapon systems, while supporting B/307th's maneuver LFX. (see storyboard)

From 03-04 APR B Co conducted Squad LFXs at Range 76. Each squad executed five iterations of a movement to contact. The squads' mission was to move dismounted through an NAI, and successfully establish a defensive along an avenue of approach. Each squad had to react to contact, perform a squad attack, conduct a hasty defense, and execute a MEDEVAC. (see storyboard)

From 10-11 APR, C Co executed Shoot House training at Range 62A. During Day 1, C Co focused on revalidating the basics of maneuver and individual Paratrooper responsibilities within a building, successfully validating 19 teams in single team, single room LFX for both day and night operations. During Day 2 on 62A, C Co validated 6 squads on multi team, multi room LFX for both day and night operations. (see storyboard)

School Updates.

1-508 PIR has 54 Ranger-qualified Paratroopers, with another 2 leaders currently in Ranger School (1 in Darby Phase, 1 in Florida Phase). 1-508 PIR had 3 Paratroopers graduate PRC on 12 APR: SPC Mastantuono (A Co), PFC Leischner (A Co), and PV2 Westfall (HHC).

We have 37 Jumpmasters, with CPT Krembel (HHC), CPT Brege (HHC), 1LT Robben (A Co), and SGT Woodard (C Co) awaiting PWAC, tentatively scheduled for 08 MAY. We have four Paratroopers (2x primary, 2x alternate) that will be attending the next class beginning on 24 APR.

GRF Operations.

1-508 PIR executed a level II EDRE on 06 APR 17. The GRB1+ assembled with all of their go-to-war equipment at N+4 and began subsequent training events to validate the 18hr outload sequence. Members from the Division and Brigade staff conducted inspections and layouts of the GRB1's vehicles and equipment. After the inspections were complete, each company was given a different follow on training event. A Co conducted a ground movement to the MSTC site and participated in multiple medical lanes focused on evaluating and treating a causality. B Co moved dismounted to Ranges 41, 43 and 44 to conduct rifle marksmanship and machine gun firing, to include qualification and advanced rifle marksmanship. C Co received more in-depth inspections to include a full layout of each individual Paratroopers' gear, and SRF packets. D Co executed a mounted patrol to Sicily Drop zone to test mission command systems. HHC and J Co were tasked with moving 1-508 PIR's Bravo Echelon vehicles to the A/DACG for inspections. 1-508 PIR received high praise from the vehicle inspection team, for being the only ones in the BDE to having the appropriate shoring for the vehicles.

1-508 PIR executed a Level II EDRE on 12 April to validate the team assuming ACF on 13 APR. We assessed A Co and 3/D's ability to receive a no-notice alert, assemble, and execute a follow-on mission. At 0300, A Co. and 3/D received the "N-hour" notification and at "N+2" received a brief on the sequence of events for the morning. At N+3.5 (0630), all four PLTs (a total of 107 Paratroopers) initiated a 3.4 mile competitive foot movement to RG 43, with rucks and assigned weapon systems. Upon arriving at the range, M249 gunners loaded a bus and moved to RG 30 to conduct Table II of M249 Qualification. Each M249 gunner had the opportunity to execute two iterations of Table II before rejoining the company for subsequent events. While the M249 gunners fired at RG 30, the remaining personnel at RG 43 and RG 41 conducted M4 qualification (RG 43), an M4 stress shoot (RG 41), and packing list inspection (rucks, worn items, and PLT equipment). 98 Paratroopers fired at the M4 qualification range and M4 stress shoot firing a total of 5,684 rounds A059, with 12 qualifying Expert on the qualification, and 3 shooting a perfect score on the stress shoot. 11 Paratroopers fired at the M249 range, firing a total of 6400 rounds A064. Following the range events, PLTs initiated another competitive foot march, along the same 3.4 mile route. During the return movement, each PLT encountered a role-playing-casualty. Each PLT had to evaluate, treat, call 9-line MEDEVAC, and package a designated casualty. They then transported the casualty to an AXP 1 kilometer away, while dismounted. (see storyboard)

When the GRB1 was alerted to an elevated recall status on 10 APR D Co reacted by upgrading their readiness posture by repositioning vehicles to the battalion area and preparing secondary loads. Doing so allows quicker access, shorter load times of key sensitive items, and permits them to move more rapidly to outload nodes for CLACC or heavy drop configuration.

A Co assumes the ACF mission from B Co on 13 APR 17. B Co assumes DRC guard from C Co at the same time. 1-508 PIR will conduct on ACF transition brief, attended by all elements of the GRB1+ focused on A Co's readiness, personnel and equipment combat power, and their integration of their D Co platoon.


SPC Adrian Aldeano, an A Co Paratrooper, graduated from Ranger School as part of Class 4-17 on 31MAR. SPC Aldeano had been working towards his Ranger Tab for more than a year. He persevered through several setbacks along the way and was a first-time-go in both Mountains and Florida phases. The leader development that he gained throughout the process is evident as he has already made an effort to mentor other members of the company interested in completing PRC and Ranger School.

This week, B Co leaders received training from the CIED team on the FirstLook Robot and the SEEK system. These two systems are available to the GRF and could be used in any potential theater. Allowing team leaders and squad leaders' hands-on training with these systems will greatly increase our readiness to combat any enemy IED threat we may face on the battlefield.

On 11 APR 1-508 PIR said farewell to our exchange officer, CPT Henry Mitchell from 3PARA, at McKellar's Lodge. Henry served 1-508 PIR with distinction from 18 JAN 17 to 12 APR 17. He helped supervise each of the nine platoons' weapons squads through both day and night live fire training. Additionally, CPT Mitchell developed a machine gun clinic based on his observations of weapons squads at live fire. His training program certified 50 machine gunners on the M249 and M240B machine gun. Henry left a lasting impact by designing a Machine Gunners Handbook that details training, SOPs, and best practices for Weapons Squad Leaders and their machine gun teams. This handbook will be distributed throughout the entire battalion. CPT Mitchell also attended the Basic Airborne Refresher course at the U.S. Army Advanced Airborne School and completed two airborne operations with 1-508 PIR, earning the U.S. Army Parachutist Badge.

In preparation for the upcoming CAMLFX, D Co will lead an LPD on the capabilities and utilization of the Weapons Company as we prepare each Rifle Company team to be task organized with a mounted platoon. The LPD will focus on the tactical employment of Anti-Tank platoons in various terrain and help commanders, 1SGs, PLs, and PSGs better understand how to integrate vehicles into their formation for the CAMLFX.


During the past two weeks 1-508 PIR re-enlisted four of its Paratroopers: SGT Novy (HHC), SGT Salazar (HHC), SSG Dormer (C Co), and SPC Avramis (C Co). Each of these outstanding Paratroopers will continue to serve our Army.

On 7 APR, 1-508 PIR hosted an FRG Easter event that included an Easter Egg Hunt and several other company led kid-friendly events. All families that participated shared a meal and enjoyed the Easter festivities helping to bring the 1Fury family closer together.

On 12 APR, 1-508 PIR conducted a State of the BN brief. 1F6 highlighted unit accomplishments, discussed the training glide-path from now until the end of the calendar year, explained new equipment fielding initiatives like CS-17 and the M4A1 modernization work order, and reinforced his vision of a ready, empowered, and disciplined Airborne Infantry Battalion.


The focus for Training Weeks 30 and 31 will be CAMLFX and CAMLFX support. Upon returning from the four day weekend 1-508 PIR will begin troop leading procedures for A Co's first LFX iteration on 21 APR. Each company will have a day for the orders process, a virtual fire support coordination exercise, and blank and live fires both day and night. D Co will be the last company to execute the LFX and will finish on 24 APR. The following day 25 APR, A Co and B Co will assume CAMLFX support to facilitate the other maneuver battalions LFXs until 29 APR.



MAJ Adam Scher
1-508 PIR Executive Officer
3BCT, 82nd ABN DIV

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