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1-508 PIR SITREP for 15 APR - 28 APR 17

Our focus these past two weeks was on the planning, execution, and support of the Combined Arms Maneuver Live Fire exercise (CAMLFX) at OP 13. Upon returning from the four day weekend 1-508 PIR began troop leading procedures for A Co's live fire on 21 APR. Each company progressed through the orders process, troop leading procedures, a virtual fire support coordination exercise, and blank and live fires during both day and night. Each company was task organized with a heavy weapons platoon and D Co which concluded the LFX on 24 APR received two rifle platoons for this exercise. While the companies executed on the range our FSC also forward deployed to OP 14 and provided logistics support across the classes of supply. Additionally, the BN staff established our TOC and conducted classes on battle tracking, MDMP, and executed a tactical decision exercise on COA Development using the CAMLFX scenario. On 25 APR, A Co and B Co assumed CAMLFX support through 30 APR to facilitate the other maneuver battalions LFXs. In addition to CAMLFX support, on 27 APR C/1-508 PIR executed a JFE onto Normandy Drop zone with an offset objective at Range 75. The battalion also began to provide support to the Fort Bragg Children's Fest this week continuing throughout the weekend.

We also have great news to report from Fort Benning. 1-508 PIR's 2LT Inman (HHC) graduates from Ranger School as part of Class 05-17 on 28 APR. 1-508 PIR Readiness Statistics:

1-508 PIR - Overall Individual Qualification: 100%
1-508 PIR M4 Qualification: 100%
1-508 PIR M9 Qualification: 98.1%

1-508 PIR Aggregate Crew Qualification: 100%
1-508 PIR M240 Qualification: 100%
1-508 PIR M3 Carl Gustav: 100%

 1-508 PIR Aggregate Platform Qualification: 100%
1-508 PIR 60mm Mortar: 100%

1-508 PIR Aggregate Personnel Non-Deployable: 13%
1-508 PIR MRC-3 Total #: 65
1-508 PIR MRC-4 Total #: 4
1-508 PIR MED Board Total #: 19
1-508 PIR Chapter #: 18
1-508 PIR SRP Packets Complete: 90%

1-508 PIR Aggregate OR Rate: 96.9%
1-508 PIR Pacing Item OR Rate: 75%
1-508 PIR Overdue Services: 0
1-508 PIR NMC Equipment Over 60 Days: 0
1-508 PIR Delinquent Lateral Transfers - Internal: 1
1-508 PIR Delinquent Lateral Transfers - External: 3
1-508 PIR Pieces of Excess Property: 34

 UAS FY17 Flight Hours to Date: 287 hours
RAVEN, 10.5 hours
PUMA, 20 hours Instant Eye


1. Marksmanship.

CAMLFX was the culmination of an intensive training cycle that began with individual marksmanship in January. Weapon's densities throughout this time focused on qualifying 1-508's Paratroopers on their assigned weapon systems, as well as advanced shooting techniques. 1-508's marksmanship was evident inside the objective buildings on OP13 as well as their room clearing techniques. 1-508 showed improved accuracy with their Anti-Tank weapon systems, hitting their simulated tank targets in the impact area during both day and night live fires.

2. Physical Fitness.

The BNs physical performance during CAMLFX was a direct result of our improved functional fitness training program. This was an area identified during PLT LFX in February and the progress in 2 short months was evident this past week at OP 13.

3. Medical Skills. Throughout the CAMLFX, HHC/1-508's medical platoon was able to train and enhance its medical proficiency. The medical platoon worked on its ground CASEVAC responsiveness and validated its systems at the Role I. During the day LFX iteration, casualties were treated and air evacuated to the Role II. Platoon medics evaluated and treated multiple casualties during each iteration, allowing each platoon to exercise their aid and litter teams, perform buddy aid, and call a 9 line MEDEVAC. In total, the Medical platoon treated 30 notional casualties in support of the live fire iterations.

C/1-508 PIR innovated with their nonstandard CASEVAC procedures by utilizing their mRZR and DAGORs. This included a two litter load plan for the mRZR and a single litter on the DAGOR. This layout did not reduce the combat power of the vehicle and enabled the platoon medic to provide medical care in route to ROLE I facilities.

4. Communication.

Throughout the CAMLFX, company command teams validated their ability to communicate and integrate all available assets and enablers. The company commander and company Fires Support Team were able to communicate effectively to orchestrate and sequence 105mm, 120mm, 81mm fires, close combat aviation, and Raven ISR. Communication between all available assets allowed each company commander to set the conditions, bringing the maximum amount of combat power to bear on the objective. Our BN S2, CPT Delgado, led the effort with our Attack Aviation counterparts to design an airspace de-confliction model that enabled rotary wing and UAV assets to service the same object simultaneously. During the CAMLFX HHC/1-508 PIR's Scout Platoon trained on CS-17 and PRC-150 HF radio operations improving their field expedient antenna construction and reporting procedures (storyboard attached).

5. Small Unit Tactics.

From 10-13 APR 2017, HHC/1-508 PIR's Scouts conducted reconnaissance and surveillance training. The instruction was conducted both in the field and classroom environment, and focused on fundamentals applicable to both scout and sniper teams. Key tasks trained were Intel reporting, TTLODAC, subsurface/hide construction, CS-17/PRC-150 HF communications operations, and antenna field craft (storyboard attached).

From 21-24 APR 2017, HHC/1-508 PIR's Scouts integrated into the companies as R&S enablers for the CAMLFX at OP13. The Scouts supported the company mission by providing target interdiction, target acquisition, Raven ISR integration, and route/area reconnaissance. Key tasks trained were UAS handover from the BN S2 launch site to the forward emplaced teams on the objective, area reconnaissance, screen, and forward passage of lines (storyboard).

On 23 APR 17 C/1-508 PIR executed CAMLFX on OP13. Unique to C Co was there integration of mRZR and DAGOR vehicles into their ground tactical plan. The mRZR/DAGORs were used to emplace a weapons squad in a supplemental support by fire position. After seizing the target buildings on OBJ Lee (OP13) and conducting a hasty defense, on order, C Co executed a planned withdrawal from the objective area. The mRZR and DAGORs allowed C Co to leave an entire weapon squad on the objective providing security for the final elements, enabling a hasty withdrawal to their follow on objective (storyboard attached).

20-25 APR 17 HHC/1-508's mortar platoon participated in the CAMLFX at OP 13 providing 81mm and 120mm mortar support to the company seizing the objective. BN mortars fired on 18 enemy targets with 40x 120mm HE, 18x 81mm HE, 16x 120mm illumination, and 87x 81mm FRTR across 4 company iterations. Key tasks trained included tactical employment of mortars, immediate suppression/coordinated illumination fire missions, and fortifying and camouflaging occupied gun line. Concurrent training tasks were preparing a range card, sector sketch, and Every Soldier is a Sensor (ES2) concept (storyboard attached).

6. Mastery of Maintenance.

Over the past two weeks, 1-508 PIR's Maintenance Section in J Co has worked relentlessly to fix, maintain, and equip each company prior to executing CAMLFX. During CAMLFX the Maintenance Section repaired dead-lining faults on two 1-508 vehicles and conducted five vehicle recovery missions. The Maintenance Section also completed services for three pieces of rolling stock, repaired one 60mm mortar system, two M240B tripods, and ten PSQ-20Bs, along with turning in five lines of overage/repairable equipment. The Distribution Section conducted logistical support to the BN during CAMLFX by operating a FASP, which distributed over 75,000 live rounds and 58,000 blank rounds of ammunition to the maneuver companies. Distro also provided CL I (food & bulk water) logistical support to OP 14 and Marshall PZ as well as over 3,000 gallons of CL III (fuel). On 20 APR J/1-508 PIR mechanics participated in an electrical air conditioning maintenance class led by TACOM. Paratroopers received a basic overview, identified components, how to readfa and maneuver through the electrical schematics. Mechanics conducted practical exercises by identifying components and troubleshooting the electrical system using a multi-meter and schematics (storyboard attached).

7. Airborne Proficiency.

1-508 PIR Air Team continued coordination's with the USAAAS and members of the GLO to schedule an LPD on chapter 13 operations during the upcoming large package week. On 10 May 17, 1-508 PIR squad leaders and above will have the opportunity to conduct a hands-on LPD inside an aircraft to discuss the procedures and expectations of key leaders during a real world no-notice mission.

This week, on 27 April, C/1-508 PIR will execute a day, combat equipment jump onto Normandy DZ. After assembling, Charlie Company will conduct link up with their ACF platoon (2/D/1-508 PIR) and a MRZR/DAGOR package (2 each) following a simulated heavy drop. The Company will conduct a synchronized dismounted/mounted movement to RG 75, where they will conduct a two platoon attack in conjunction with isolation and squad point ambushes.

8. Live Fire Exercises.

Upon returning from the four day weekend 1-508 PIR began troop leading procedures for A Co's live fire on 21 APR. Each company progressed through the orders process, troop leading procedures, a virtual fire support coordination exercise, and blank and live fires during both day and night. Each company was task organized with a heavy weapons platoon and D Co which concluded the LFX on 24 APR received two rifle platoons for this exercise. While the companies executed on the range our FSC also forward deployed to OP 14 and provided logistics support across the classes of supply. Additionally, the BN staff established our TOC and conducted classes on battle tracking, MDMP, and executed a tactical decision exercise on COA Development using the CAMLFX scenario. On 25 APR, A Co and B Co assumed CAMLFX support through 30 APR to facilitate the other maneuver battalions LFXs. From 21-24 APR 17 HHC/1-508 PIR's S2 section provided Raven support to each of the maneuver companies during CAMLFX. Utilizing a vehicle and TOC mounted OSRVT, and a Raven, the S2 shop was able to provide a real time look of the battlefield, providing the company commander the most up to date intelligence of the enemy situation. This event marks the first time a Raven and AH-64 conducted operations in the air simultaneously during a live fire event. All totaled, 12 Paratroopers trained on the raven and completed the associated tasks validating each operator (storyboard attached).

School Updates.

1-508 PIR has 54 Ranger-qualified Paratroopers, with another 2 leaders currently in Ranger School (1x Darby Phase, 1x Florida Phase (graduates 28 APR)). We have 38 Jumpmasters, with CPT Krembel (HHC), CPT Brege (HHC), 1LT Robben (A Co), and SGT Woodard (C Co) awaiting PWAC, tentatively scheduled for 08 MAY. We have four Paratroopers in the current class that began on 24 APR: SFC Race (A Co), SGT Duffield (A Co), SGT Mertzig (B Co), SGT Novy (HHC). GRF Operations.

B/1-508 PIR continues to guard the DRC and hosted Air Force Pilots on 26 APR. The BCT GRF coordinated showed the pilots the heavy drop package available for a no-notice real world mission. Additionally preliminary plans for the DRC changeover in June began with 1-505 PIR.


Today and tomorrow, 26-27 APR 17 HHC/1-508 PIR's Scouts are conducting interoperability with SF ODA 3235 at range 75. Focus for the training is to conduct reconnaissance and surveillance on an urban target, and conduct a target handover for a direct action mission. This training will enhance the Scout platoon's R&S proficiency, establish TTPs, and prepare for future operations integrated with SF.

Great news!

HHC/1-508 PIR's Mortar Platoon Sergeant, SFC Chandler is going to reenlist this week. SFC Chandler is an excellent leader, Senior Jumpmaster, mortar men, and an asset to 1Fury and the Army.

SPC Phillips (HHC) re-enlisted on 21 APR as well.


On 04 May, A/1-508 PIR will host a FRG Softball tournament at the Pope Softball Complex. This event will be open to all families of A CO's Paratroopers. On 04 May HHC/1-508 PIR will host an FRG event at Smith Lake and that evening the BN will conduct its Hail and Farewell to integrate new members and celebrate the service of those departing. On the night of 22 APR, B/1-508 PIR executed their night live fire iteration. After a successful run, COL Beaudoin recognized SFC Lyons by advancing him to 1SG on OP 13.


The focus for Training Weeks 32 and 33 will be CAMLFX recovery, CS-17 fielding, and preparation for the 100th Anniversary of All American Week. Airborne!



MAJ Adam Scher
1-508 PIR Executive Officer
3BCT, 82nd ABN DIV

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