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The battalion’s priority for the past two weeks was JRTC deployment preparation. This included significant training on the Nett Warrior Future Initiative (NWFI) for all team leaders and above and the battalion staff. With support from PEO Solider and the brigade and divisions staff, 1-508 executed a robust BN COMMEX that verified our ability to deploy ATAK and WINTAK in an austere environment with redundant capabilities to counteract a near-peer competitor. Additionally, we created a draft SOP for markings, communications, and logistics across this medium. The COMMEX was a true innovation in equipment fielding tahat helped confirm our task organization for the most effective and lethal employment of these mission command systems.

While conducting NWFI training, 1-508 executed outload of 84 pieces of rolling stock and 38 containers including all 3RCR equipment. As the lead for JRTC Pax outload, 1-508 successfully deployed over 1800 Paratroopers to Fort Polk coordinating 31 buses and 5 box trucks for access to Fort Bragg, loading, and safe travel to JRTC. 1Fury also conducted all necessary training and administrative tasks in support of this quarter’s Gavin Cup pull on 7 SEP.

1-508 PIR Readiness Statistics:

1-508 PIR - Overall Individual Qualification: 100%

1-508 PIR M4 Qualification: 100%

1-508 PIR M9 Qualification: 98.1%

1-508 PIR Aggregate Crew Qualification: 100%

1-508 PIR M240 Qualification: 100%

1-508 PIR M3 Carl Gustav: 100%

1-508 PIR Aggregate Platform Qualification: 100%

1-508 PIR 60mm Mortar: 100%

1-508 PIR Aggregate Personnel Non-Deployable: 12%

1-508 PIR MRC-3 Total #: 36

1-508 PIR MRC-4 Total #: 0

1-508 PIR MED Board Total #: 24

1-508 PIR Chapter #: 11

1-508 PIR SRP Packets Complete: 98%

1-508 PIR Aggregate OR Rate: 96.6%

1-508 PIR Pacing Item OR Rate: 100%

1-508 PIR Overdue Services: 2

1-508 PIR NMC Equipment over 60 Days: 11

1-508 PIR Delinquent Lateral Transfers - Internal: 0

1-508 PIR Delinquent Lateral Transfers - External: 3

1-508 PIR Pieces of Excess Property: 19

UAS FY17 Flight Hours to Date: 340 hours RAVEN, 14.5 hours PUMA, 23 hours Instant Eye


1. Marksmanship.

On 31 AUG, the battalion Scout Platoon conducted a Long Range Precision Fire Sniper Range for 3BCT IOT develop, train, and share institutional knowledge between the Sniper Sections from 1Fury, 1P, and Recon. The training enhanced long range marksmanship proficiency and established TTPs for future deployments. The key tasks trained were long range marksmanship with wind reading and mil-relation formula from optics, communicating holds with shooter-spotter dialogue, target acquisition, target detection, range estimation, objective sketches, identifying TRPs, and setting up range cards.

On 11 SEP, Alpha Company facilitated a zero range for 3RCR and 1-508 PIR Paratroopers. Over 107 rifleman zeroed their weapon systems prior to their transition to the qualification range. (see storyboard).

On 11SEP17, Bravo Company facilitated a reflexive fire range for 3 RCR forces. Bravo Company Paratroopers demonstrated the firing procedures and served as safeties during the firing lane for each Canadian shooter. Each shooter fired a total of 90 rounds as they moved through a series of reflexive fire tasks. A whistle prompted each shooter to rapidly acquire and engage their targets from varying distances and starting positions. Key Tasks included: running all 3RCR forces through the range, safely completing the lane, and providing interaction and instruction from US forces to Canadian Shooters (see storyboard.

2. Physical Fitness.

Alpha Company continued to focus on the “82nd Eight”, incorporating events into PT, executing a PT event called the “LGOP Run.” This event test physical fitness, communication skills, medical skills, small unit tactics, and marksmanship. Every morning during the past week, a randomly selected group of Paratroopers (LGOP) would receive a mission via ATAK, run out to Area J, execute a react to contact, establish an ambush, and execute a CASEVAC. After the STX, the squad conducted a hot-wash and then moved to the Division enduring range to conduct M4 qualifications before returning back to the company (see storyboard)..

Charlie Company continues to focus on Combat Focused PT in preparation for JRTC. The Company has done PT in combat uniform to include boots for the past two weeks, focusing on plate carrier runs, ruck marching, along with utilizing the All American Mile. The Battalion continues to see improvement on Paratroopers comfort moving under load and in combat uniforms. On 11 SEP, C Co executed a Company PT event as a memorial. The Company ran 9.11km down Ardennes in Uniform, and returned to the Battalion footprint to execute 9 exercises for 11 reps each with a buddy carry as many times as possible for a total time of 20:01.

3. Medical Skills.

The Medical PLT trained 130 personnel on CLS+ over the last two weeks. We are currently 130 trained of 144 required in the Battalion with another class scheduled following JRTC to make sure we are meeting the standard of two Paratroopers per squad.

4. Communication.

The battalion (with elements from 3BCT S6, 50th Signal, and the NWFI team) completed a successful four-day COMMEX this past week (05-08SEP17), ensuring full integration of the NWFI system across the entire Battalion. At end state of the COMMEX we successfully conducted operator-level advanced training and tested operator understanding on key systems. The battalion tested capabilities and digital solutions - namely, transferred data from a secure unclassified network (ATAK/WINTAK) to a classified network (ARES) utilizing a cross domain solution (CDS). Additionally we conducted mission command of a battalion maneuver operation (VALEX), which involved shared / distributed planning, battle tracking utilizing PLI, distributing and refining mission graphics, utilizing ATAK/WINTAK tool set to streamline processes, and tested our ability to react to contingencies. This system will make 1Fury Paratroopers more precise and faster at JRTC (see storyboard)..

5. Small Unit Tactics.

On 28-31 AUG, the Scout Platoon conducted four days of close quarter’s battle training at Range 75. The purpose of the training was to conduct a progression beginning with the fundamentals on the flat range, incorporating close quarters marksmanship, to ultimately executing silent room clearing with rucks as a Recon Team through a multi-room shoot house. Key tasks trained were CQM tables incorporating varying rates of fire and distances, shooting while moving straight and laterally, left turns, right turns, 180 degree turns, run/stop/shoot, and run/stop/kneel/shoot (see storyboard).

On 31 AUG, Alpha Company reserved the training area at TSC to conduct anti-tank training on the EST trainer. This training was not only an opportunity for first time Anti-Tank gunners to rehearse firing sequences and practice target acquisition, but also provided the opportunity to understand how to properly acquire and engage targets on the MILES system. This will pay huge dividends with our upcoming rotation to JRTC (see storyboard).

Alpha Company key leaders conducted VBS3 training at the XVIII Airborne Corps JFO Simulation Complex in which company leadership rehearsed the synchronization of maneuver and fires assets given the Peason Ridge terrain and mission graphics. Working with the BN FSO, the command team along with 1LT Mike Glaser coordinated fires and rotary wing assets to achieve desired effects on the battlefield.

6. Mastery of Maintenance.

In the past two weeks, the Maintenance Team continued to set conditions for outload to JRTC and in support of Hurricane Irma relief. The BMO and company XOs ensured that all 84 pieces of rolling stock for the battalion were ready to outload on 05 SEP 17. The maintenance section also completed services for three pieces of rolling stock, and brought six vehicles from NMC to FMC over a 48 hour period during outload. The Armament Section repaired 4 x 81 mm mortar base plates and replaced a 120mm mortar tube. The Maintenance Control Section provided an LPD on JRTC Maintenance and PREPO Draw for over 30 leaders (PSG and above) in the battalion. Additionally, Chief Lynch coordinated with The Sesolinc Group to refurbish Juliet Company's battery shop container, enabling the Maintenance Section to recharge more automotive batteries faster, and with additional portable capabilities. The Sesolinc Group also signed a contract to build a BOH Container for J CO at nearly half of the market cost for average BOH containers.

Finally, 1-508 PIR successfully transferred all deferred status orders to the ZPARK proper ICW FORSCOM guidance to create a zero balance of deferred ordering. The forward team at JRTC has established a mission command node where maintenance and supply transactions continue. This includes a contact team at the preposition yard, a rail and MILES detail, and a logistics support node at the ISB.

7. Airborne Proficiency.

Hurricane Irma impacted airborne operations this past week, cancelling all 3RCR’s progression/integration jumps. The battalion is currently trying to resource rotary wing for training week 52 so that 3 RCR can execute their progression, allowing them the ability to jump into JRTC.

8. Live Fire Exercises.

28-31 AUG, Delta Company conducted gunnery (Table V and VI) at Range 63 for sixteen crews, executing both day and night iterations. On 30AUG, 5x PAX from 5-73 arrived at RG 63 to provide external evaluation and support. All 16x crews certified and are prepared to execute collective live fire training at JRTC (see storyboard)..

School Updates.

We have 56 current Jumpmasters in the battalion. There are 7 Paratroopers attending the next class beginning on 18 SEP.

Currently, 1-508 PIR has 6 Paratroopers in Ranger School: 2x Paratroopers in Darby Phase, 2x Paratroopers in Mountain phase (tentative graduation date 20 OCT), 2x Florida Phase (tentative graduation date 22 SEP).

GRF Operations.

The battalion executed a Red Corvette Alert on 10 SEP. 1Fury was able to fully execute and validate our call out rosters, updating them as necessary. The battalion is currently on GRB3.


On 31 AUG, SSG (P) DeNoon, the battalion Electronic Warfare NCO conducted a block of instruction to increase MOS proficiency and enhance technical abilities with Electronic Warfare equipment (VMAX). The training consisted of VMAX hardware set-up, sweep transmitting procedures, identifying UAS spectral signatures in a contested environment, and determining proper power out-put to adequately contest targeted nets without becoming an additional target (see storyboard)..

Interoperability. 1-508 received Mike Company, 3rd Battalion The Royal Canadian Regiment late last week and has worked diligently to integrate this 109 Paratrooper formation into 1-508 PIR. Major Mike Mendyka, and his formation are a professional team of warfighters that will exponentially increase our lethality during the upcoming deployment to Atropia. Over the past week 3RCR conducted BAR NET, small arms marksmanship, ATAK/WINTAC training, Javelin training (not organic weapon systems for their warfighters), Call For Fire training, 82nd ABN Joint Forcible Entry Standards and TTPs briefings as well as multiple combined PT events with Fury companies. (see storyboard)..


On 08 SEP Bravo Company held a reenlistment ceremony for SPC Hicks and SPC Steinberg. SPC Steinberg, a 249 gunner, and SPC Hicks a M320 Gunner and Platoon armorer, have been key in the success of Bravo Company. Both reenlisted in order to stay with Bravo Company through next year’s deployment. The ceremony began with remarks by 1SG Lyons, before the two Paratroopers took their oath of reenlistment. Following their reenlistment, Bravo Company recognized Dwayne Waugh on his promotion from SSG to SFC (see storyboard)..

On 14 SEP key leaders from M Coy / 3 RCR and 1-508 joined for dinner in Fayetteville to conduct team-building and share experiences prior to deployment to JRTC. The evening helped leaders get to know each other, enhanced integration, and helped set the ground work for successful operations in Atropia.


Over the next two weeks, 1Fury will focus on completing integration with 3 RCR, deploying to Fort Polk, and executing RSOI tasks in preparation for the BCT LFX and force-on-force in “the box.”


Major John Intile
1-508 PIR S3 3BCT
82nd ABN DIV

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