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Over the past two weeks 1-508 concentrated on the execution Maintenance Focused Training and personnel readiness tasks. Our staff planners and key leadership placed increased emphasis on preparation for Nett Warrior Future Initiative (ATAK/WINTAC) integration and coordinating for final training prior to outload for JRTC.

We have great news to report from SURT. Six 1-508 Paratroopers graduated this past course. All six will attend the next Ranger School class beginning on 20 AUG. 1 Fury Paratroopers continue the pursuit of Warrior-Leader excellence.

1-508 PIR Readiness Statistics:

1-508 PIR - Overall Individual Qualification: 100%

1-508 PIR M4 Qualification: 100%

1-508 PIR M9 Qualification: 98.1%

1-508 PIR Aggregate Crew Qualification: 100%

1-508 PIR M240 Qualification: 100%

1-508 PIR M3 Carl Gustav: 100%

1-508 PIR Aggregate Platform Qualification: 100%

1-508 PIR 60mm Mortar: 100%

1-508 PIR Aggregate Personnel Non-Deployable: 12%

1-508 PIR MRC-3 Total #: 65

1-508 PIR MRC-4 Total #: 0

1-508 PIR MED Board Total #: 25

1-508 PIR Chapter #: 17

1-508 PIR SRP Packets Complete: 95%

1-508 PIR Aggregate OR Rate: 96.4%

1-508 PIR Pacing Item OR Rate: 100%

1-508 PIR Overdue Services: 0

1-508 PIR NMC Equipment over 60 Days: 16

1-508 PIR Delinquent Lateral Transfers - Internal: 2

1-508 PIR Delinquent Lateral Transfers - External: 3

1-508 PIR Pieces of Excess Property: 1

UAS FY17 Flight Hours to Date: 294 hours RAVEN, 10.5 hours PUMA, 20 hours Instant Eye$


1. Marksmanship.


2. Physical Fitness.

Battle Company implemented Combat Focused PT in preparation for the upcoming JRTC rotation. PT involved combat related tasks, executed in OCP uniforms, at a frequency of three times per week. 1st PLT executed a Rock Climbing PT session on 07 AUG. During this PT session Paratroopers learned how to belay, climb, and rappel over a variety of different surfaces (storyboard attached).

Charlie Company emphasized cardiovascular improvement focusing on long runs and ruck march training. C Co will execute an APFT in preparation for the Gavin Cup during TW 49 and TW 50.

On 14 August, Delta Company executed a strength and conditioning LPD. SGT Henderson, a Delta Company leader, instructed D Co Paratroopers on how to execute a proper front squat. The instruction focused on proper load, position and points of performance. This is the first block of instruction in a series, focused on increasing Paratroopers proficiency in critical strength-building lifts. Paratroopers will understand foundational lifts and will be prepared to complete a relative strength assessment prior to completing a more robust fitness test in the months following JRTC.

3. Medical Skills.

Battle Company executed CLS plus Training for 30 Paratroopers. This training incorporated more advanced forms of Medical Aid. SPC Markely, the Company Senior Medic, led this training over an eight hour block of instruction.

4. Communication.

On 07 AUG, LTC McChrystal accompanied by select elements of the battalion staff and Charlie Company briefed Senior Army leadership at the Pentagon on the use of the Nett Warrior Future Initiative (NWFI). The briefing highlighted Charlie Company’s successful testing of the Trelisware radio, (TW-400), the Samsung Galaxy 5 End User Device (EUD) and the Microsoft Surface Pro Tablet over the past few weeks, including full implementation during the BDE JOAX. The EUD and the Surface Pro Tablet uses AT&T 4G network as a connectivity gateway, while the TW-400 uses line of site to maintain communication between squads and sections at the platoon level. The equipment greatly enhances leaders’ situational awareness and internal communication – increasing the speed and lethality of our Warfighters. The battalion is currently fielding additional equipment to outfit all other companies, battalion staff and select elements of Brigade leadership/staff. 1-508 will validate this new equipment during platoon STX in training week 48, and conduct a COMMEX during training week 50.

5. Small Unit Tactics.

Charlie Company’s Master Driver, SGT Cardenas, 6 days of Driver’s training on both the MRZR and DAGOR vehicles resulting in 24 new drivers for Alpha and Bravo Companies. This increase in trained drivers has created depth within the battalion.

6. Mastery of Maintenance.

During the first week of Maintenance Stand Down, 1-508 PIR held several PMCS focused LPDs for all leaders and operators within the Battalion. Simultaneously, companies inventoried all 12,943 property book items and PMCSd all 170 pieces of rolling stock. This process also included reconciling bumper numbers in GCSS-Army, validating licenses for JRTC, and checking container/load plans. During the second week, Companies continued to PMCS all rolling stock, completed 2 lateral transfer, completed 17 turns-ins, and finished all JOAX recovery tasks. The BMO executed 573 quarterly services, eliminating all 1-508 PIR overdue services, while also leading the motor pool renovation. Additionally, the S4 reviewed all GPC purchases, FLILPs, and DTS transactions for the fiscal year.

From 07 AUG - 17 AUG, the maintenance platoon processed over 400 maintenance inspection worksheets across all types of equipment, including over 70 pieces of rolling stock. As a result, 34 pieces of equipment identified as Not Mission Capable, were added to the Equipment Status Report and 219 lines of Class IX repair parts have been ordered.

The maintenance platoon completed scheduled services for twelve pieces of rolling stock: six prime movers, three trailers, and three generators. The unscheduled service section completed over 80 QA/QC and dispatches, and installed over 50 class IX repair parts on-hand, resulting in four prime movers changed from NMC to FMC.

The small arms repair section completed 501 quarterly weapons services for two rifle companies and one heavy weapons company. SPC Arocho repaired 20 PVS-14s and five PSQ-20Bs.

Battle Company conducted Preventative Maintenance Checks and Services on all 2,571 pieces of equipment. This led to 19 items of equipment turned into DLA, 19 items of equipment submitted to J Co for repairs (all NVGs), and all equipment shortage annexes for the company updated with parts on order. During maintenance focused training Battle Company completely reorganized the company roll-up leading to three tough boxes worth of equipment turned in and three separate trips to the dump to rid the company of unnecessary equipment. This clean-out also facilitated aid to the BN with extra Class II supplies.

Delta Company conducted a thorough PMCS on 20 vehicles following the JOAX and identified a significant increase in number of deficiencies as a result of heavy use during the JOAX and increased emphasis on maintenance during Maintenance Focused Training. During this two week period, D Co Paratroopers PMCSd and created 2404s/5988s for more than 1596 items of equipment; 138 weapons went through services. Of the 138 weapons serviced, the armorer identified 4x key weapons with dead-lining faults. Additionally, D Co Paratroopers worked with FSRs to inspect the CROWS and ITAS systems and identified and fixed 4x faults.

7. Airborne Proficiency.

On 21 AUG, 1-508 PIR will jump onto Normandy DZ. Priority for this jump is to exercise the mission command systems, validating the NWFI equipment. Additionally, Charlie Company will move and seize an offset objective and transition into platoon STX.

8. Live Fire Exercises.


School Updates.

We have 38 Jumpmasters in the battalion, and 3 additional Paratroopers who passed JMPI; awaiting PWAC on 22 AUG. Nine Paratroopers are currently attending Jump Master which began on 14 August.

Currently, 1-508 PIR has one Paratrooper in Ranger School: SPC Lucci (HHC) is in Florida Phase. The battalion is sending six Paratroopers to the next Ranger School class beginning on 20 AUG. There are four Paratroopers in the current SURT class that began on 14 AUG.

GRF Operations.

In addition to Maintenance Focused Training this week, 1-508 executed a BN SRP Packet Validation Rodeo, working to ensure personnel and medical readiness is up to date. As a result, 1Fury validated all deployable SRP packets.


Rifle Companies worked together these past two weeks to develop a standard company level TACSOP; refinements are under review and the product will be printed prior to JRTC.

Juliet Company coordinated with the MRZR/DAGOR Polaris FSR, Mr. Nick Pursley, to conduct an abbreviated maintenance course for four experienced mechanics on both vehicle platforms. Following PLT STX in training week 48, those mechanics will host a train-the-trainer program with the company motor sergeants and licensed drivers in order to ensure flawless operation throughout JRTC. Additionally, Juliet Company received a contract for a SESOLINC container, making J Co the only FSC in the brigade capable of deploying a parts container to the field without additional support from the BSB.


1-508 congratulated 12 staff sergeants this week following their selection for promotion to Sergeant First Class.

On 03 AUG Charlie Company promoted five CPLs to the rank of SGT and two SGTs to the rank of SSG. All of the Paratroopers promoted, proved repeatedly that they were capable of wearing the rank they had worked so hard for. On 10 AUG SSG Woodard re-enlisted in front of Charlie Company’s formation. SSG Woodard is one of the best young NCOs in C Co and has been vital to their success over the past year.

On 11-13AUG, 32 couples throughout the BDE participated in a Strong Bonds Couples’ Retreat in Charlotte, NC. The couples came, with kids in tow, to learn about communication pitfalls, styles, and techniques IOT enhance their marital happiness. The couples stayed in the Embassy Suites in Concord and enjoyed room and meals plus childcare so they could go on a date (storyboard attached).

On 12AUG, 9 Paratroopers traveled to Wilmington, NC for a chartered fishing trip. The BN BOSS rep (SGT Butchko) and the BN Chaplain (CH Stamps) organized the trip for single Paratroopers. The cost for the trip included all the equipment, the boat, and the expertise of the fishing captain. The trip was organized IOT provide opportunities for single Paratroopers to build resiliency, forge new friendships, and relieve stress (storyboard attached).


The next two weeks 1-508 will focus on final opportunities to train small unit tactics prior to JRTC. 1 Fury will execute an airborne operation on 21 AUG, platoon STX 21-24 AUG, Mortar training at Fort Belvoir, Raven training (including paratroopers from multiple BNs across the Brigade) Delta Company gunnery 28-30 AUG and VBS3 (fires simulator) training during training week 50. Throughout each event the Battalion will implement the new NWFI equipment and conduct a full COMMEX during training week 50. The battalion will simultaneously support and execute all outload requirements for JRTC 18-01.


Major John Intile
1-508 PIR S3 3BCT
82nd ABN DIV

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