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Up Joiner (2) Joiner (3)


ARMY BUDDIES NOW High school buddies will now be buddies in the Army as MSgt. Floyd A. High-tower signs up George Jacob, 3706 Roland St.; James C. Joiner, 2115 Watrous Ave., and Anthony Hamilton, 6710 Gabrielle St. Under a new plan, called the "Buddy System," the boys will take basic training together and later Jimmy and George will be assigned to the same paratroop unit. The triple enlistment, which the boys had planned during their Plant High School days, had to be held up until yesterday when Jimmy turned 18, the minimum age for enlistment. 

[The Tampa Times, Tampa, FL, 19 Aug 1954, Thu, Page 32]

James C. Joiner, who's home is at 113 North MacDill Ave., is a member of the 101st Airborne Division at Fort Campbell, Ky.
   Specialist Joiner is now on orders for Europe., He is a newspaper reporter and public relations man for the Army. Joiner attended Plant High School and the University of Florida.

[The Tampa Tribune, (Tampa, FL, 31 May 1959, Sun, Page 27]

Three 1954 graduates of Plant High School left today for Army basic training at Ft. Jackson, S.C. The men, all volunteers, were feted in a series of farewell parties this week. They are: James C. Joiner, son of Mrs. Madeline H. Joiner, 2115 Wartrous Ave.; George A. Jacob, son of Mrs. Hazel V. Boiling, 3706 Roland St.: and Anthony R. Hamilton, son of Mrs. Pamela Young, 6710 Gabrille St. Hamilton, an English immigrant, received his citizenship papers July 22.

[The Tampa Times, Tampa, FL, 19 Aug 1954, Thu, Page 5] 

THE 508TH ARCT HEADQUARTERS COMPANY Is blowing a bugle in your direction from Southern Japan.
   Pfc. James C. Joiner, Hq. and Hq. Co., 508th ARCT, APO 51. San Francisco, tells his own story about why he thinks more of you people from his home town of Tampa should be writing to lonesome GIs.
   "This outfit Is airborne, we are all. jumpers and risk our lives about twice a month and it helps to know that back in the States the folks realize that even though this is peacetime we are still risking our lives to uphold what we feel is very dear to all of us --- freedom." Maybe that will send some of us to the ink pots and note pads and drop a line to Jim and his friends.

[The Tampa Tribune, Tampa, FL, 7 Aug 1956, Sat, Page 11] 

In The Services

'Lonesome GI' From Tampa
 Appeals for More Letters

   Pfc. James C. Joiner, who identifies himself as a "Lonesome GI," sent this letter to In The Services today.
   "To a lot of people this letter may sound off base and none of my business, but I assure you, one and all that, I know very well what I am talking about as I am part of the 508th ARCT; stationed in southern Japan.
   "The reason for this appeal is to let the people back in the States know just how much mail even a two-penny post card means to a GI 9000 miles away from home in a country where the people speak a different language, have different customs and different physical features.
   "After a guy has been in the Army for about two months all :his friends begin to forget him and when he finally does go Overseas they forget him completely just when he really needs them.

   "I can't let the entire United States know so I thought I would let my home town in on some thing where they can really help, There are about 15 of us in this outfit from Tampa and I am speaking for them as well as for myself and we are all proud to call Tampa home.
   This outfit is airborne, we are all jumpers and risk our lives about twice a month and it helps to know that back in the states the folks realize that even though this is peace time we are still risking our lives to uphold what we feel is very dear to all of us. Freedom.
   I hope this has done some good in waking up the people to the fact they can help a lot right from their easy chairs. Please respond to the call.

From a Lonesome GI
James C. Joiner
RA 14 541 437
Hq. & Hq. Co., 508th ARCT
 APO 51; Francisco, Cal.

[The Tampa Times, Tampa, FL, 03 Apr 1956, Tue, Page 5]

Gritzky - Joiner
   LAMBACH. Austria. Jan. 27 (Special) --- Frau Antionne Gritzky has announced the engagement of her daughter, Urike to James C. Joiner of Tampa.
   Plans are being made for an Easter wedding in Upper Austria, near Vienna, in one of the oldest and most ornate Catholic churches in Europe.
   The couple will take an April in Paris honeymoon and a ski trip to Switzerland after their wedding. The bridegroom is serving a tour of duty with the Army in Europe and is scheduled to return to Tampa in June.

[The Tampa Tribune, Tampa, FL28 Jan 1961, Sat, Page 10]

   James C. Joiner, son of Clarence Joiner of Fort Myers Beach, recently was commissioned an Army second lieutenant upon graduation from Officier [sic] Candidate School at Fort Benning, Ga. Lt. Joiner has been in the Army 10 years. He and his wife, Ulrika, live at 310 N. Sterling Ave., Tampa

[News-Press, Fort Myers, FL, 09 Sep 1964, Wed, Page 7]