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Up Joiner (2) Joiner (3)


Lt. Joiner of Honor Guard
Visits Parents at the Beach

Lt. James Joiner has been on leave, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Joiner of Fort Myers Beach. Lt. Joiner spent several days on the Beach, along with his wife, Ulrike, and sons, Allen and Christopher.
   Lt. Joiner, attached to the Third Infantry, based at Fort Meyer, Va., near Washington, is a platoon leader of a rifle platoon. The Third Infantry is known as the President's Honor Guard and conducts most of the ceremonies in Washington.
   The Third Infantry, Lt. Joiner said, is the oldest unit in the Army and its responsibilities include the Tomb of the unknown Soldier and President Kennedy's grave in Arlington National Cemetery.
   "We conduct between 20 and 40 funerals a day at the Cemetery," he said. "We feel that burying our fellow soldiers is one of our primary functions."
   Ceremonies which the unit participates in include those for heads of state visiting this country, those for retiring enlisted men and officers and presidential inaugurations. For instance, Lt. Joiner said, the Third Infantry recently participated in ceremonies for Prime Minister Harold Wilson, Princess Margaret, Ayub Khan of Pakistan and Chancellor Ehrhardt.

[continued, column 2]

In President's Box

   At President Johnson's inauguration, Lt. Joiner commanded a "cordon," positioned around the inaugural platform. Following the inauguration, he was stationed in the President's Box at the inaugural ball at the National Guard Armory. "That was a long hard day," Lt. Joiner said. "I ended up in the hospital the next day."
   At the funeral service in the Washington National Cathedral for Adlai Stevenson, Lt. Joiner said he and another lieutenant were responsible for the President, cabinet, justices, heads of state and White House staff attending the service.
   Lt. Joiner said that soon after he returns to Washington the Third Infantry will begin rehearsals for "Prelude to Taps," held during the first week of the Cherry Blossom Festival each year. The show, approximately four hours in length, will include the history of the Army, related through tableaus, and the history of the American flag: Lt. Joiner's company will participate in ."Muskets in Motion." Rifle physical training is adapted to music for this part of the program, Lt. Joiner explained.

Viet Nam Ahead

Lt. Joiner has been with the Third Infantry for 17 months now and will .be with the unit until at least August. "Then I hope to go back to the 101st Airborne brigade, now serving in Viet Nam, or the Special Forces," he said.

[continued, column 3]

   Of Viet Nam, Lt. Joiner said, "I believe we've got to fight the Communists where ever the threat exists. If we don't fight it in some strange land with a foreign sounding name, then we'll be fighting communism on our own doorstep."
   Lt. Joiner, a professional soldier, has been in the Army for 10 years, enlisting right out of high school. During his stint as an enlisted man, Lt. Joiner was in the paratroops and Special Forces, where he received intensive training in guerilla warfare. Following his graduation from Officers Candidate School, Lt. Joiner was sent to Washington.
   Lt. Joiner met his wife, Ulrike, a native of Lambach, Austria, while stationed in Germany. They met in March of 1960. Their first son, Allen, was born in Germany and Christopher at Fort Bragg, N. C.
  Lt. Joiner, a native of Fort Myers, attended elementary schools here and high school in Tampa.

[News-Press, Fort Myers, FL, 06 Jan 1966, Thu, Page 22]

James Joiner

Office sought Hillsborough County Commission, District 3
Party: Republican Age: 50 Address: 3350 Hillsborough Age. 50.
Occupation: Retired U.S. Army officer
Political experience: None.
Background: Bachelor's degree, business, University of Tampa; master's degree, finance and human resources management, University of Central Michigan; White House aide, Johnson administration; legislative liaison, Appropriations, Budget and House and Senate Armed Services committees; divorced, three children
Net Worth: $5,000
Q. Hillsborough County is the last county in Florida that allows use of pound animals for medical research. Do you think this practice should be stopped?
A. I love animals, but I think the research that is being done at the University of South Florida, the value we get from that research for our children, far outweighs the loss of these animals. Especially as the animals are going to be killed anyway.
Q. The County Commission is considering adopting an ordinance to ban open containers of alcoholic beverages in motor vehicles. Do you support this proposal?
A. I'm in favor of it I think it's a good idea. It's just safer to get where you are going and get out of your car and then have your drinks.
Q. As state and federal support to county government declines, which local programs should be discontinued, or which local tax would you increase?
A. I'm in favor of zero budgeting. Instead of justifying only what you are asking for beyond last year's budget, you start from scratch and rejustify every penny you want. Once the county has done that, I could see if we need to raise taxes.

[The Tampa Tribune, Tampa, FL, 30 Oct 1986, Sat, Page 234] 

[Jumpmaster Note:  James lost his election bid to the incumbent by a 3 to 1 margin.]