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Up 1945 Oct 03 (2) 1945 Oct 03 (3) 1945 Oct 03 (4)


- "Fresh Start" (Cont'd),
l Peter 2:24, Such An opportunity is not cheap, or free. It was bought with the blood of men's best friends, the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
.. Immediately before us lies the threshold of a new day. Equipped with the courage and cheerfulness of knowing God's forgiveness through Christ, we are ready to meet life with victory assured,
           Chaplain James L Elder


Speaking for the Gis aboard ship on this trip home, which is almost complete, we'd like to say thanks to the Captain, the ships crew, and the GI personnel who have taken care of us. Coming aboard at La Havre we looked her over, comparing her with the that huge two stacker over on the right and the other one just about to come in, we looked her over from the rear and admitted she had a sma11 stern, was that good? Many muttered her name, some sort of Indian thing, can't pronounce it everyone said, Jeez are we going on that tub, said one. Well just get me home said another, who had started home three months ago, he'd been on LCIs and LCTs, seen 1ots of stuff from the early days in Africa, he looked her over well from the pier, she looks good to me and she is pointed the right way for a change. There were a lot of comments about how long was it going to take, someone told me 12 days, another said 8, well there were the usual GI rumors floating around, every one was happy, we would take our chances, nothing, could be worse than Lucky Strike [s reference to the camp at La Havre]. Remember the chow there? Line up, column of fours, then column of twos, then single· file and up the gang plank. Say this thing isn't so small after a11, she looks good, damned if they don't have electric lights most of us have bunks, there are some sleeping on the floor in one hold but that is the breaks in the Army; we are on our way ­ tonight, what tomorrow, what the hell, I on board, what is another day. Then came our first contact with the men who were taking us across 3,000 of the blue and maybe rough Atlantic. A bunch of kids from New York, New Joisy, look at those plaid shirt wow!! Were they the other half of the bobby sockers we had heard so much about? Well now after 7 days we call them GI civilians, a good bunch of guys, know their jobs, easy to work with. There are some people on board we never see except up high on the bridge, everyday we hear they send down the mileage report and the time for the fire drill, but that is all we know, still we do know they give all the orders to run the ship, keep up that l?.2 each day. The other day someone interviewed the Captain and found out some swell things about him, we liked what we read. We are a precious cargo of high pointers, want to get home safely, and he is just the man to deliver us, The chow has been worth writing home about, [illegible] lines no stalls where you stand and eat,

just the loudspeaker saying, "Clear the mess hall as soon as you finish eating", well that was fair enough. What a thrill the first time I saw those bottles of mustard, catsup, jams and jellies with beau coupe fresh butter, everything else was just as good.
.. This has been swell trip, and I think it is unanimous among us that there has been a noticeable lack of CS [chicken ...t] aboard, what a relief to get away from that. We all want to express our thanks to everyone who had a hand in the running of the ship, starting with the Captain down deep into the bottom to those who keep the engines running day and night. This has been the trip we all have been waiting for and we might say a little prayer of thanks to those beautiful gals who welded the pieces together, and MADAWASKA, you are quite a gal yourself with your small stern.


 •• The SS MADAWASKA Victory will be abreast of Ambrose Light between 0200 and 0300 hours Thursday. A pilot will be picked up there, and the shi1p will continue up the Hudson to a point 1/2 mile off Irvington, 30 miles north of NYC• ·
 ... Debarkation upon harbor craft will commence at 0630 hrs Thursday morning, The order of units debarking will be announced to group lenders, by the passenger order list.• (Co roster) as each man steps ashore he will all his first name and middle initial in answer to his last name.
.. We will have a 5 mile ride from the pier by truck convoy. When we unload from the trucks, we will be at Camp Shanks. That is our processing center,
  .. Discharge scores as of orders, War Dept. Sept 2 are:

E. H. - 80 points or over.
Co. Officers - 85 points or over.
Field grade officers - 100 points or over.


RE 7357-PDX     (7th Army Postal Det.)
RE 7371-HPK     (Casuals)
RE 3216-KDA     (Casuals Dot. 41 groups)
10362-KKK       (258 Fin Disb. Sec)
4614-B          (POW Det)
Emergency Group (Returnees)
Medical Officers
7351-B          (MP Platoon)
7351-D&H        (106 QM Co & 424 Inf Regt.)

BREAKFAST FOR EM - 0200 hrs.
                        - 2nd 0430

What is Love? A misunderstanding between two damn fools!

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