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Company A was sent to reinforce the Company C roadblock. Through-
out the period 17-19 June the two battalions carried out vigorous
and aggressive patrol action within the regimental area and along
the banks of the DOUVE. On 18 June the 3rd Battalion, in Division
reserve astride the highway to VALOGNES northeast of ST SAUVEUR,
moved to an area west of ETIENVILLE, under Division control, short-
ly after midnight on 19 June. The 1st and 2nd Battalions estab-
lished an outpost line along the RIVER DEUVE, per Division order,
to Insure against any enemy crossing of the DOUVE from the south.
All outposts were established and contact made between 1st and
2nd Battalion outposts by 0300. At 0800 the regiment received
instructions that combat patrolling would cease as of 0830, but
the regiment was to keep the entire area along the PRAIRIE and
PRAIRIES-DOUVE junction under constant surveillance by the use
of numerous OP's. OP's were established by 1130. At 1440 the
regiment was relieved of the sector by the 357th Infantry. Bat-
talions assembled in the battalion areas and awaited a movement

The 3rd Battalion, under Division control, crossed the
DOUVE from a location west of ETIENVILLE in assault boats commenc-
ing at 0500. The battalion established a bridgehead on the south
bank of the DOUVE and quickly organized a defensive position.
Ac this time the battalion was attached to the 325th Infantry and
given the mission of seizing and holding PRETOT. The Battalion
moved in a column of companies, passing through VINDE FONTAINE,
met an enemy strongpoint 900 yards south of VINDE FONTAINE and
bypassed It to the east. The Battalion then moved into an attack
assembly area 600 yards north of PRETOT, under perslstant sniper
and machine gun fire. During the evening a Mark IV tank was
knocked out by a soldier from Company I with a hand thrown rifle

20 June 1944

At 0430 the 3rd Battalion moved to its line of departure
astride the stream following from the northeast into PRETOT, and
launched an attack from the northeast into PRETOT at 0600. After
a fifteen minute preparation by artillery the battalion attacked
fast under cover ,of heavy and accurate supporting fire. The rem-
nants of the Germans defending the town fled south in disorder, and
the battalion established a defensive position at PRETOT. The
enemy had observation from high ground south and east of PRETOT.
The enemy had observation from high ground south and east of PRETOT,
and subjected the battalion Co heavy artillery and mortar shelling.
At 1600 the battalion was ordered by division to move from the town
of PRETOT to a position on high ground just west of the town. The
Battalion was relieved by the 1st Battalion, 507th Parachute Infan-
try at 2330. 

By the morning of 20 June the 90th Division had passed
through the position held by the regiment, less 3rd Battalion,
west of ST SAUVEUR, and the regiment less 3rd Battalion was
ordered to move by truck from position at ST SAUVEUR to ETIENVILLE
and thence across the causeway south of ETIENVILLE by foot to an
assembly area at LA QUENAUDERIE, two and one-half kilometers south-
west of ETIENVILLE and south of the PRAIRIES MARACAGEUSES. The
Regimental CP opened at 1230, two and one-half kilometers southwest
of ETIENVILLE. By 1330 the regiment, less 3rd Battalion, had closed
in the new area. At 1700 a tentative plan was issued for an attack
to seize Hill 131.

21 June 1944

Upon being relieved by the 507th Parachute Infantry, the 3rd


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