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Battalion was released from Division control and moved to the regi-
mental area. At 1000 a verbal field order was issued for an attack
against Hill 131, later confirmed by a written FO. In the evening
the operation was postponed 24 hours. The Regiment carried out
aggressive patrolling in its zone of advance. 

22 June 1944 

During the morning the 1st Battalion was alerted to move
from the regimental area, and verbal orders were issued for prepar-
ation of a defensive position by the regiment. This was confirmed
by a written FO. At 1700 the 1st Battalion occupied and prepared
a defensive position on the regimental reserve line in the vicinity
of VINDEFONTAINE. The operation involving an attack against Hill
131 was postponed Indefinitely, the 1st Battalion Co remain in its
defensive position on the regimental reserve line. During the night
patrols operated in the zone of advance, towards Hill 131. 

23 June 1944 

No activity was reported during the night of 22-23 June.
Ac 1015 the Battalions were instructed to make a reconnaissance
for defensive positions to the south; the 3rd Battalion to occupy
the MLR, the 2nd Battalion to occupy the regimental reserve line,
and the 1st Battalion to occupy a position on the division switch
line. This reconnaissance was completed, and by 1630 the regiment
had received orders to move to the designated positions. The 2nd
and 3rd Battalions then in the regimental assembly area moved to
occupy defensive positions beginning at 2300. 

24 June 1944 

By 0635 the 1st Battalion was relieved at VINDEFONTAINE by
the 507th Parachute Infantry and moved to the division switch posi-
tion In the vicinity of LE BOST. Regiment established a new CP
one and one-half kilometers northwest of VINDEFONTAINE by 1600.
Aggressive patrolling was carried out on the night of 24-25 June
on the regimental front. 

25 June - 29 June 1944 

During this period the regiment occupied battalion positions
on the MLR, RRL and division switch line. Aggressive patrol action
was carried out on the regimental front in the probable zone of ad-
vance. Regimental S-2 patrols went as far as Hill 131 (several
thousand yards) on four different occasions procuring much informa-
tion of the enemy disposition and strength, and capturing a few
prisoners. During this period the 3rd Battalion on the MLR was in
physical contact with the 505th Parachute Infantry on its right and
the 325th Glider Infantry on its left. At all times during this
period the enemy was in some localities within fifty yards of the
3rd Battalion MLR. The enemy used mortar fire and high velocity-
low trajectory fire quite extensively against our positions. This
regiment utilized the 3l9th Glider Field Artillery Battalion to
place a large volume of observed and unobserved fire on enemy in-
stallations. Many fire missions were adjusted by L-5 liaison
planes and many direct hits were reported. Company H, the left
flank company of the 3rd Battalion, received a number of casualties
from enemy artillery and mortar fire. In order to give Company H
a needed rest the 3rd Battalion relieved it with Company G, the,
reserve company, at 0145 on 27 June. On 26 June, from 0730 to 0800
the division made a feint attack against the enemy by using heavy
concentrations of artillery, mortar, and small arms fire. The Ger-
mans Immediately opened up with small arms fire and with its mor-


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