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2nd Battalion reached the BETA phase line at the base of Hill 131,
after routing several more islands of resistance and taking more
prisoners. By 1145 the 1st Battalion had occupied position on the
ALPHA phase line in reserve, the 2nd Battalion had seized its ob-
jective on the eastern nose of Hill 131, and the 3rd Battalion had
advanced to a position 300 yards west of LA DAUDERIE. Each bat-
talion was rounding up a number of bewildered Germans who found
themselves surrounded. During the attack the leading battalions
had suffered some casualties from booby traps throughout the zone of
advance^ The 3rd Battalion was ordered to move to Hill 131, the 2nd
Battalion objective, with both battalions holding the objective.
The regiment had occupied position on the southeast nose of Hill 131
by 1600. At 1800 the regiment received instructions to move Co the
vicinity of LA BLANCHELANDE in preparation for an attack to seize-
the high ground at Hill 95 and east of LA POTERIE. The regiment
moved at 2000 hour. The order of march was 2nd Battalion, 3rd Bat-
talion, 1st Battalion, and Regimental Headquarters. Under spas-
modic mortar fire from vicinity of LA POTERIE ridge the 2nd and 3rd
Battalions moved into forward assembly areas in the woods east of
LA BLANCHELANDE, 2nd Battalion on the west side of the woods, 3rd
Battalion on the east side of the woods, the 1st Battalion into an
assembly area north of the woods. The Regimental CP was established
two kilometers northeast of LA BLANCHELANDE. All units were closed
in the area by 2330. By this time the regiment was well below half
strength, having received no reinforcements since D day. 

4 July - 5 July 1944 

An attack order was issued at 0030; Battalions were to move
out from assembly areas against their assigned objectives at 0630
provided division gave a positive order. The battalions were to at-
tack simultaneously, 2nd Battalion attacking to the southwest against
Hill 95, the 3rd Battalion attacking southwest across fairly open
country against the center high point of the ridge, the 1st Battalion
attacking south against the ridge at LA POTERIE. At 0720 an order
arrived from Division for the regiment to jump off in attack at
0800. All units were given final instructions and the attack be-
gan. By 0945 the 2nd Battalion had advanced 700 yards through
stiff resistance and by 1050 was 300 yards from its objective. The
1st Battalion had planned to attack its objective from the left
flank, avoiding crossing the draw in front of the ridge; however,
upon reaching the LD it was found that the 325th Glider-Infantry,
advancing on the left flank, was shelling the area this battalion
planned to use, making the move impossible. It was then planned
to coordinate the attack with the 3rd Battalion, 508th Parachute
Infantry, shell the ridge with artillery and attack with two com-
panies abreast, across the draw. Just before crossing the LD units
of the 325th Infantry advanced abreast of the 1st Battalion left
flank and Indicated that they planned to advance in the area selec-
ted by the 1st Battalion. This necessitated delaying the attack
and coordinating again. It was then planned to attack on a narrow-
er front with companies in column to make room for the 325th In-
fantry. By 1050 the 1st and 3rd Battalions were pinned down by
fire from the 1st Battalion objective. At 1100 hour the message
was received that the 3rd Battalion was held up 350 yards in front
of its LD. A twenty minute Corps artillery concentration was plan-
ned for the 1st and 3rd Battalion objectives at 1215. A coordinated
attack by these Battalions was also set for 1215. At 1220 the 2nd
Battalion reported that Hill 95 had been taken with heavy loss of
personnel. 400 yards after crossing the LD the leading company
of the 1st Battalion came under heavy automatic weapons fire from
well prepared positions. The battalion dug in at the limit of ad-,
vance in the vicinity of LA POTERIE. During this action enemy ar-
tillery was extremely heavy and accurate. Battalion casualties
were high. The 3rd Battalion attacking under the artillery concen-
tration suffered heavy casualties also when friendly artillery


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