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fire lifted permitting the enemy to pin the 3rd Battalion to the
ground with mortar fire. This Battalion was forced to withdraw to
the vicinity of its original attack locations. At 1400 Company F
occupied the. west slope of Hill 95, Company D occupied the east
slope, and Company E remained in reserve north of the hill. Com-
pany F suffered heavy casualties, and was forced to withdraw. Com-
pany E retook this lost ground during the night. The 2nd Battalion
507th Parachute Infantry, upon orders from Division, moved into
position east of LA BLANCHELANDE, covering the gap between the
2nd and 3rd Battalions. By 1500 this battalion had moved on to
position and was establishing an OPLR. A new plan for securing
the high ground was given to the regiment by Division. 2nd Bat-
talion, 507th Parachute Infantry, sent a strong combat patrol to
the center of the ridge. The remainder of the battalion moved into
position on the hill. This battalion was on position by 0437,
5 July, contact had been made with the 505th Parachute Infantry
by patrol, and the entire ridge had been captured. At 0452 the
1st Battalion moved into Division reserve, east of LA BLANCHELANDE
in the position formerly held by 2nd Battalion, 507th Parachute

5 July 1944

All units retained positions and conducted aggressive patrol
action to the regimental front.

6 July 1944 

At 1800 hour a pocket of resistance was encountered along
the highway to the front of Hill 95 by the 2nd Battalion, 508th
Parachute Infantry. At 2145 Company F moved forward supported by
3 tanks to attack the pocket of resistance. Company F met heavy
enemy resistance but cleared the area. The 2nd Battalion, 508th
Parachute Infantry was attached to the 505th Parachute Infantry
for tactical purposes. 

7 July 1944 

At 1000 the regiment received Operations Memo #4 from 82d
A/B Division instructing the regiment to assemble in the vicinity
of LA BLANCHELANDE In Division reserve, all attachments' to be re-
lieved In place. By 1145 all units were in position one kilometer
east of LA BLANCHELANDE as Division reserve. 

8 July 1944

All units remained in position as Division reserve, the 3rd
Battalion continuing to patrol the sector between 507th Parachute
Infantry, which was in place on the ridge and its own position.
The 8th Division passed through and jumped off in the attack to
the south towards LE HAYE DE PUITS at 0700. 

9 July - 11 July 1944 

The regiment remained in Division reserve taking advantage
of the opportunity to Cake showers and clean up all personnel in
preparation for the return to England. 

12 July - 15 July 1944

The regiment departed from NORMANDY across UTAH BEACH,
utilizing two LST's for transportation to SOUTHAMPTON, ENGLAND,
and thence to NOTTINGHAM by train.


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